aaronhotchner - permisson

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You trace your fingers over the rope burn on your wrists, with a mischievous smirk wiped across your face.

"fuck, Oh-!" Your scream echos through the crimson red walls. "Take it" his tone demanding. Your eyes start to pool with tears, just as you feel your mascara start to run. His firm grip around your neck, you knew your safe word. Yet this man pleasured you the way nothing not anyone could. You could let him rail you for days, you have.

Your thighs start to tremble as your body gets ready to orgasm for the third time tonight, "P-please a-" you begged him. " You do not cum..until I grant you permission, pet."  you shift uncomfortably in the shackles he had you in.

You look up only to remember he reinforced them with red rope. Suddenly he thrusts into you harder, your lips purse together attempting to stifle another loud moan, with that your eyes squeeze shut. His strokes deeper and at a slower pace, he pulls himself out.

Your eyes widen, your body aching at the lack of contact, "Lay still" he demands. "Yes" he hovers over you inches away from your face. "Yes? Yes what?.." your eyes trained on his "Yes, Sir."

He slides off the edge of his bed, your eyes follow his naked body walking to a dark wooden dresser. You let your head hang back trying to catch your breath, you hear a faint vibrating sound. You look at him standing when he turns around. An intense and rather loud object vibrates in his hand, you smirk.

He switches it off placing it on the edge of the bed, you shut your eyes. Adjusting yourself over the cold silk sheets, he pulls out a long pole with brown leather shackles on each end. You attempt to sit up, the tight knot on your wrists weighing down your arms. "Sit-" he growls loudly.

You quickly turn to him. "Behave" you lay back down, you feel his piercing stare. His strong hands grab your legs pulling them forward in his direction. Belting your ankles into the leather shackles, he looks up at you smiling. You start feel your face burn up, he enjoyed this too much.

"Y/n?"  a female voice echos. You snap back into reality, clearing your throat you frantically look around the conference room. JJ looks down at your hands gripping onto a folder, you quickly attempt to fix the crumpled papers. "Yes" "Have you been here all night?" She sets her things down along with a mug, "No..just a tad earlier today." she nods.

"Everyone is on their way" she pulls down the white screen ready to set up. You stand up, fixing your skirt "I'll be back" you walk out. "Shit" you exhale loudly as soon as you exit the room.

Your relationship with Aaron began a little over a year ago, and ended 3 months ago. You still couldn't wrap your head around the fact that you were able to keep that from the team, a team of profilers. You hated the way things ended, messy & tense. Both you and Hotch were in such different places, as well as pages. You both thought being sexually involved would give you the satisfaction you needed to suppress any romantic feelings. For a while this was true, until it wasn't.

The foot steps behind you interrupt your frivolous thoughts, "Hey" you turn "Hey pretty boy" you grin at Spencer. "Why are you flustered and running" your heart skips a beat as you slow your pace. "Wh- I'm not.." You stammer. "I think you are" he claims. "Nope, all is well." "Ye-" you increase your speed attempting to leave him behind.

"Forgot something in my car Spence..see you in a bit." You walk through the bullpen up the stairs. Pushing the glass doors, you begin to rub your now sweaty forehead.

As you exit the building you see your car, and completely stop in the middle of the parking structure. "Are you fuc-" "Y/L/N?" Aaron stands to your right. You internally groan, "Good morning" you shift uncomfortably. "Ye- Yes" you clear your throat "Yes, Sir." his gaze trained on your fingers fiddling with your skirt.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2021 ⏰

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