However, Callista saw it Differently. She saw Emily tickling Jasper that's true, but she heard the sound of clothing being moved and saw Emily Grin as she buried her face in Jasper. She was blushing madly as she got on the bridge and Ran to  them.

"WHAT ARE YOU TWO...doing?" she asked as she slowed down and saw Emily was just blowing on Jasper's stomach.  Emily and Jasper looked up at Callista, wondering what they did wrong.

"Did we do something wrong Callista?" Emily asked as she sat up on her knees. Jasper sat up as well.

"Yeah, did we? If so we won't do it again. " Jasper said.

"N-no, no, everything is alright! I just thought Emily was being a little to rough on You." Callista quickly lied as she looked down at them.  "Emily,  i think you need a bath. " she said, noticing Emily's dirty face and clothes.

Emily sighed as she stood up. "Okay Callista. " she said as her and Callista walked off, leaving Jasper alone.

When they left,  Jasper stood up and pulled his cap out of his huge jacket and put it on, tucking his long hair away. He smiled as he looked down over the bridge to see Corvo walking to another building.

Jasper then picked up his metal pipe and started to get in the stance Corvo used when he fights.  Jasper wasn't really good at sword fighting, well Pipe fighting. He looked up to Corvo.  In all sense Corvo was like a father figure to him. Sure the maids and butlers raised him, but Corvo was the whole deal.

Later that Night....

"So Corvo's going to a mask party? " Emily asked leaning in over Jasper.  They were in the diner area and were working on a drawing of Corvo.

"Yeah, he took his mask to and will be able to blend in. " he responded. "At least that's what I think he said. " he bit on the color pencil he was using.

"Oh. " Emily said, jumping out of her seat. She wasn't wearing her shoes, neither was Jasper who wasn't wearing any socks either.
The other adults wear either upstairs or talking at the bar counter.

Emily stretched her legs and flexing her toes underneath her stockings. "I'm going to get something to drink, okay Jasper." she said as he looked at her and nodded as she walked to the counter, asking for two drinks.

"Hello Jasper. " Jasper looked up and saw that Martin had walked up to him, holding a drink in his left hand and his right arm behind his back. "What are you working on?" he as looking at the drawing.

Jasper quickly covered the huge drawing with his body and gave a nervous smile to Martin.  "Nothing Mr Martin. Can I help you? "

"I actually want to ask you a question. " he said getting closer to Jasper. "Do you want you to become a Oveerseer?"

"I can't." Jasper stated as he took the drawing and hid it in his Jacket.

"Why not?"

"Well you see, " Jasper said as he stood up in his chair and looked at Martin.  He motioned for Martin to come closer. "I'm going to be Emily's Royal Protector! " he barley whispered.
Martin just laughed quietly as Jasper looked at him in confusion. "What's funny?"

Martin looked back at Jasper and slowly stopped laughing. "You See Jasper you can't be a Royal protector. "

"Why?" Jasper asked tilting his head to the side.

"Because you don't have Noble blood. " Martin said.  "You need to be of Noble blood to become a Royal protector. "

Jasper looked sad as tears formed in his eyes as his hat slowly fell off, hitting the floor.
"B-b-but why?" he sniffed as he tried holding in his tears.

"Yes, Why can't he?" Jasper and Martin turned their heads to the side and saw Emily holding two cups. She was frowning as she tapped her right foot. She walked up as Martin bowed and stood back up straight. 

"Because you're majesty, he isn't noble blood. Only Men or Women born of Noble blood can be a Royal protector."

"So? I can change that law instantly when we defeat the Lord Regent." Emily said as she walked up to them and set the cups down on the table.

"You can't do that Lady Emily. "

"Why not?"

"Because then anyone could become your Royal protector and could cause your children, who you will have with one of Noble blood, could be killed. " Martin said as Emily's frown got bigger.

Emily picked up Jasper's hat and grabbed his hand and pulled him away, leaving Martin by himself.

In their tower/room..

When they got to their room, Emily led Jasper, who was struggling not to cry, to their bed.
Jasper sat down, hugging his hat as Emily sat beside him.

"I-its okay Jasper. I'm sure I can find something better for you to be! OH, how about a Spy! " she said trying to cheer him up, but failed as he had more tears form. He looked like he was hurting.
"Jasper, why aren't you crying? It looks painful. "

"B-b-because I-i C-can't b-be a Royal p-rotect-er. And R-royal protectors d-don't cry. " he said sniffing as more tears formed.

Emily looked at Jasper. She then hoped off the bed and stood in front of him. She then hugged him and Jasper's eyes widened.
"It's okay. "she said.  "You can cry on me. I won't look. " she said as Jasper suddenly hugged her back and cried, burying his face in the crook of her neck, his tears soaking her shirt and jacket.
"There, there, everything is going to be alright. " she said, closing her eyes and patting his back.

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