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"Grave robbers?" Jasper asked Corvo as they walked down the hall. "Corvo it's first thing in the morning and I haven't had my coffee yet."

"Hm," Corvo smirked as he walked ahead. "If your to be Royal protector, you'll have to also deal with these kinds of problems Emily will soon face. And as a trial so to say, she requested your company in this meeting."

They approached the throne room doors. The two guards stationed there pushed open the doors, allowing the two inside, before closing it. Emily sat on her throne, leg over the other and her fingers drumming on the silver armrest. The two other people in the room.

Jameson Curnow, adopted son of Geoff Curnow and cousin to Callista Curnow. He was young, only a year older than him and Emily. Having such close relations to Callista made Jasper and Emily become close friends with him. Jameson was also captain of the city watch and, secretly, one of Corvo's top spies.

The second was a bald man with a goatee, wearing high overseer robes. Yul Khulan, helped in advising Emily when she took the throne, pledging loyalty to Emily, and by the outsider did he show it. As a child, Jasper was hesitant around this man, but Yul approached him and kneeled, begging for forgiveness about Teague Martin's actions. Jasper forgave him.

"Good morning you two. I hope you slept wonderfully." Emily greeted the two as the stopped infront of the Dias and bowed. "Good morning especially to you, Jasper."

"Yes. What a wonderful morning." Jasper yawned, hand over his mouth. "Corvo waking me up with a bucket of ice was very pleasant."

Emily smiled. "Good. Then I believe you know why I summoned you?" He nodded. "Then we can discuss this matter now."

"Dark deeds." Jameson smiled with a sigh. "Grave robbers at work and it's seven months before the fugue fest. Someone is getting ideas."

"I hope your right captain Curnow," she said as she stood up and stepped down the dias before walking towards a table to the side as the others followed. "But robbing the dead is still a heinous crime. Here."

The group gathered around the table, on which was a huge map of Dunwall, secured at the corners with ornate jeweled gold fish statuettes that normally graced the display cabinet on the other side. The statuettes reminded Corvo of his home, Serkonos.
As Emily spoke she pointed to a corner just outside the line of the old city wall. Jasper nodded along, taking in all that she had seen with her own eyes, while covering her nighttime activities from the overseer and Jameson. Jasper wasn't a fool, he knew Emily saw this crime rather than the city guard.

High overseer shivered as Emily finished. "Disgraceful business, your majesty," he said. "Simply disgraceful who would do such a thing? To desecrate the graves of those who have faded from this world--those who have earned their escape from existence? Disgraceful."

"Forgive me your majesty," Jameson spoke as he stretched his arms out on the map, his bangs falling down. "But if we're to cover these gravesites--Which there are hundreds of-- most of the city guard would be spread thin, leaving very little to actually investigate into this gang."

Jasper watched as Jameson pointed at every gravesite, all of which were great distances from the others spread throughout the city.

"We need to find whoever is doing this." Emily said. Jasper could see her struggling with the strategy. "I can't-- I won't-- have this happening in my city!"

"Agreed." Corvo said. "Let's see what my agents bring back from the scene--perhaps the robbers left some clues. If the intention of the gang is to plunder graves for coin, or other valuables that may be buried, then it's possible they'll strike again. I'll liaise with the City Watch--they can send patrols out to keep a close eye on every cemetery and graveyard."

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