Chapter 1

318 7 4

4 years earlier

Colt POV

As I finish bracing my ankles I hear a truck pull up behind the chutes, glancing over my shoulder I see it's Jays truck. Quickly putting my cleats on I hear him talking to some of the other guys and then a girls voice chimes in causing me to stop and look over again as footsteps approach.

"Thought this was a bulls only zone there bud, no girlfriends" I say with a laugh, looking over to him by himself with a grin on his face.

"Hey now, I think you'll like this one" he says dropping his stuff beside mine, "and she's not my girlfriend"

"Well whoever she is you must've scared her off already" I continue to do up my laces but glance up to him as he holds a confused look on his face. I nod to the empty space past him making him finally look.

"Oh jeez, Jo! get over here!" He hollers over his shoulder, "she uh, gets distracted easily?"

"I was actually having a good conversation about the bulls and if there's any I should be worried about" a voice sounds out from above us. Looking up, a girl hangs off the rails above us. Her black and white ball cap hiding the hair from her face.

"Yeah whatever kid, Jo this is Colt, Colt this is my sister Jo" Jay says while digging in his bag for his gear.

"Nice to meet ya" she says in a slightly deeper voice, offering her hand for me to shake.

"Nice to meet you too" I say putting my hand in hers, "so what brings you out here?" I ask.

"Well," she starts, climbing fully over the rail to then plop down beside me, "Jay says you can help me get into bullfighting"

I pause for a second not sure what to say, she's a girl though?

"He did, did he" I say looking over to him, he avoids eye contact but holds a smirk on his face.

"Yup, he also said if you try to give me that 'oh but you're a girl' bullshit I'm supposed to kick you as hard as I can in the balls" she speaks matter of factly.

I let out a breath and run a hand over my face, "alright, so how old are you anyways, 12?"

She lets out a scoff, "16 actually"

"So actually you should be in school right now" I match her sassy tone.

"Actually it's a pro-d day so no. Any further questions or assumptions?"

I turn to Jay, "shit, she really is your sister"

He nods his head, "just when you thought I was too much, now you get double"

"Oh great" I say rolling my eyes, earning me a light punch to my shoulder causing me to look over at a furrowed Jo who soon breaks into a smile, letting the sun shine over her golden tanned and lightly freckled face. Catching her bright green eyes I feel like my heart stopped. She quickly meets my eyes and I quickly look away shaking my head. "You got any gear?" I ask standing up to stretch.

"Yup, Jays old ball cleats and his old vest"

"Alright, put em on and let's get started"


The last bull is loaded and jays the last to ride. Jo has done surprisingly well for her first day, she seems to catch on fast and is light on her feet. It's good that these bulls arn't ones to look for a fight too.

"The guy in the back said this bull likes to go to the right and tries to hook anyone in his path" her voice chimes up.

"Hm, he probably won't but if he does you're gonna wanna stay on his outside horn to try and turn him away, I'll look after Jay" I say watching as he gets ready in the chute, he nods and the gate opens, within a couple hops the bull surprisingly turns to the right like she said. Someone yells out the time and I move towards his inside and jo gets to his outside horn like I said. Jay has a good seat and doesn't seem in any rush to get off so I step back and let her figure it out. She bravely reaches out and jerks his horn causing him to open up enough for jay to hop off towards the chutes.

He yells and cheers her on as she veers off the path of the bull and jogs to her brother. He runs up to her and puts her in a headlock and runs his knuckles over her hat causing her to let out a laugh and squirm out of his grip.

"Good job kid" he says undoing his vest.

"You too I guess" she says with a smile as he jumps at her threatening to noogie her again, "hey, who's that?" She says looking towards the fence. Turning and looking over a girl with short blond hair stands.

"Colts lady friend" jays says dragging out the 'lady' word.

"Girlfriend?" She asks,

"Yeah" I say,

"I thought this was a 'bulls only bud" she says mimicking me from earlier,

Jay and I both let out a laugh, "it is, apparently she's the wildest ride Colts ever had" jays says smirking, I roll my eyes at him.

"You ride bulls too?" Jo asks innocently, causing jay to burst out laughing.

I let out a sigh, "I gotta go" I say turning towards where she stands.

"Good day, same time tomorrow?" Jay yells, I reply with just a thumbs up as I get to the fence where Amy stands.

"Hey babe" I say resting on the fence.

"Who's that?" She says, heavy makeuped eyes not even glancing my way.

"Jays sister, she's getting into bullfighting" I reply.

"Why's she here then?"

"I'm helping her"

She lets out a scoff, "you? Really. That's funny"

I squint my eyes at her words, "why?"

She looks at me, her brown eyes holding something dark, "cause you think you're actually good enough to teach someone else. Baby, I'm saying this cause I care about you. I don't want you to get someone hurt, ya know?" I stand quietly at her words, "anyways, I'm gonna go out tonight just thought I'd let you know"

"With who?" I ask kicking at the ground.

"Why does it matter? Do you not trust me? I'm going out to have some fun wether you like it or not" she lets out a laugh before turning and walking back to her car.

I look back out to the chutes to the empty space where jay and jo were. Relieved they didn't see or hear anything. Taking a deep breath I start towards the chutes to take all my gear off and head home.

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