Chapter 1: New Beginnings

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A comfortable silence hung around the cabin. The cabin was small and simple, yet cozy and homey. Ivy and vines crawled their way up the old crackled stone, the wooden small porch groaned and creaked. The trees waved and swayed their branches, providing a bunch of shade. Baby birds cried for their mom, mouth wide open, whining to eat something. Squirrels tacked and chased after each other, snatching the few fallen nuts on the summer floor. A group of little birds flew off from the floor as a 14 year old girl gracefully walked, almost as if glided across the grass and went to their small garden, picking off the ripe fruits.

Happy with the amount she got, she started her way back, humming a catchy tune. She opened the wooden door to her cabin. Just as she was about to walk in, a bluebird went whizzing right next to her ear, startling her and almost making her drop her basket of fruit.

"H-Hey! Nonono Cassie get back here!!!- Eeep!-" A small figure came bolting down the stairs, bonking into the girl as she chased the bird. The smaller looked up in confusion at first, but after seeing who it was, she started to burst out into a jumble of words.

"Ohmygoodness Fei I am so sorry for that I didn't expect Cassie to do that a-and!-" Fei only sighed and shushed the younger girl.

"Abelia what did I say about letting animals into the house? You know it's a pain to clean up the mess they leave behind! And you named a bird. Really?" Fei said unamusedly, while gently scolding Abelia and putting the fruit on the dining table, arranging it a bit at the same time.

"B-but Fei! They always appear out of nowhere and they're just too cute to be let outtt, and you really sound like a mom. And yes I did name the bird screw off-" Abelia whined, puffing her cheeks out and crossing her arm.

"Pshh- I'm only like 2 years older than you guys. I have to make sure you guys are safe because I'm the oldest here and if I didn't this house would've became a literal zoo." Fei smirked a bit and nudged Abelia playfully on the arm with her elbow. Abelia wrinkled her nose and shot Fei a playful look, sticking her tongue out.

"Oh wait! Have you seen Raven anywhere?" Fei questioned, looking around the small living room.

"Raven? I swore I just saw him-"

"You called?" A boy that was at least half a inch taller than Abelia slid down the railing and dramatically plops onto the poofy armchair.

"I-I'm not gonna question that- aHem- anyway!-" Fei coughed awkwardly, quickly changing the subject.

"So! I know you will think I am a maniac-"

"As if you weren't already one-"

"Raven, shhhhh" Fei quickly shushed Raven up, pushing her finger on his lips.

"As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, I was thinking about going out! You know, instead of lingering around the cabin 24/7."

Dead silence followed after that. The two younger siblings looked at the older as if her brain just flew out of her head.

"Waitwaitwaitwaitwait- okay. You want US. The three of us, to go out there. Out in the world when mom has clearly warned us multiple times to not to?!"

"Yeahhhh no. Sorry Fei, but I agree with Raven with this one. Mom didn't just waste all that time to hammer the rule "Never go past the gate" into our heads. What made you want to go out there anyways??"

"Well, you know-"

"No, I do not know."

"Oh my gosh Raven can't you not interrupt me every 5 seconds?!" Fei huffed, shooting a hard glance at him. Raven just shrugged his shoulders, which made Fei a bit more annoyed than she wanted to be.

"We have been in this same place for all our lives. We've seen the same thing every single day. Yes, mom did say to stay here so we are safe. But... don't you think it gets I dunno, boring sometimes? And besides! We're not 8 anymore, we can take care of ourselves much better now. Don't you want to go out and see what it is like? Explore more places, taste more foods?" Fei looked at both of them, her eyes wide and pleading, her hands clamped together, lips quivering slightly, like the cherry on top of her puppy eyes face.

Abelia and Raven looked at each other, almost having a conversation with their eyes. They knew that once she has decided on something, it'll take forever and lots and lots of bribing to change her stubborn mind. Raven and Abelia were seriously not in the mood to spend the next 2 hours bribing and reasoning this a certain very stubborn person. And besides, Fei does have some points. They have been stuck in this cabin for their entire lives. It wouldn't be long before the small orb of guilty curiosity that was buried deep into them expanded until they were practically leaking out of them. The dam they have built over the years surrender and collapse. 

Raven finally let out a heavy sigh, ruffling his hair. "Fine, we'll go out. But if any of us gets hurt, I have every right to say why it was a crazy idea, and that it's your fault."

Fei's eyes lightened up, letting out a smile while punching the air a bit in victory, quietly letting out a small "yes!"

"Sometimes I wonder how you're even the oldest here...How do you even manage to convince people into doing stupid dangerous things???" Abelia mumbled, shivering a bit from the flashbacks of very....stupid things they have done in the past.

"Practice, patience and actual skills my dear Abelia. Or I'm just simply good at it." Fei answered with a smug grin, bopping her nose, making Abelia wrinkle her face and shake her finger off.

"Alright. Now, are we gonna pack or just sit our lazy butts here and not move for the next 6 hours?" Raven sat upside down on the armchair, swinging his leg, lightly hitting the pale green wall.

"Wow I feel called out-" Fei and Raven chuckled at Abelia's comment.

"Yup! We should start packing in like....10 minutes! No slacking or else you're going out empty handed and we'll leave you to suffer." Fei piped up, ignoring the blanked, uneasy looks of her younger siblings.

"W-wait- you're joking about that right?"

"Of course I am!........not-"

"YA!- You're so mean and heartless-"

"You can whine all you want, but I'll suggest you actually start packing that scenario doesn't happen."

"You!- ughhh I hate you so much Fei!"

"I love you too Raven."

And then after that all you can hear is the wrestling of 2 kids while the other sat on the armchair eating popcorn watching them go for each other's throats.

Woah I'm alive :0 . Feels like my writing skills is falling down the drain 

Oh and 1178 words, *clicks tongue* n i c e👌

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