Part 1

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She goes to the doctor two months after Steve dies for the second time.

She knows the symptoms deep down. She knows what they all point too. Especially since she's never been sick in her life, even as a child. Being a god will do that to someone.

The sex was plentiful enough. There was only a few hours rest in the apartment of the maybe engineer, most of the night had been spent making up for lost time. Or maybe that time was never really there to begin with.

"Well Miss Prince, it seems you are indeed pregnant," the doctor smiles up at her from the clipboard. 

Diana stays frozen in her chair, not able to make herself feel anything but shock. 

"Miss Prince? Diana?"

She jumps from her trance, "I'm sorry. Uh, where do I go from here?"

The doctor takes her question to mean something different than it actually does, and he stiffens, the smile slipping. "You do, legally, have...options if you would choose to take them."

Diana barely contains herself from slamming his head into the table directly to his left. She had lived long enough to see women kicked out of their homes as teenagers when they had been unfortunate enough to have sex while being wildly uneducated. Etta helped women like that and others. She pointed them to doctors, real doctors, who wouldn't ask questions and would do whatever the woman wanted done for little to no cost at all. Diana has seen too many women die in the hands of uneducated men who think they know best. She's fought enough and been to enough protests.

Yet she ignores the comment and thanks him for his time. Manages to keep it together on the subway and in the street and give her doorman a smile. She manages not to break down until the lock clicks behind her and she falls to the floor, her back pressed to the door as she cries into her drawn knees. 

She allows herself one night. One night to mourn that the love of her life will never meet his child. That the two people she does and will love most in her life will never meet each other. 

The next day she finds a gynecologist and books an appointment. Hand to her stomach in the mirror with a smile. The joy pouring in.



The apartment is no longer bare save for the few pictures and books. Toys lay haphazardly and a photo of Diana lying in the hospital bed holding her daughter sits in place of the picture of her at Trevor Ranch. 

She paints the room yellow and a nice lilac. Books laced with mythology and history in the shelves that take up one wall. The mobile is clouds and sunflowers. A hamper in the corner and a simple lamp.

She tells bedtime stories of the gods. Of the mighty Antiope and the defeat of Ares. She rocks her daughter to sleep with stories her own mother told her, and she sprinkles in the bravery of a blue-eyed pilot.

Diana hangs a few paintings in the living room. She buys a homemade blanket from a woman with a stand on the side of the street when she visits Greece. It finds a place on the couch and a collection of antique gold plates inscribed with latin hang under the window in the kitchen.

It's not much, but it is a start.



Amara takes her first steps and Diana cries both from happiness and sadness.



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