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True to his word, Loki returned on Monday, though more in the afternoon than the morning, to invade and take up my seat.

Luckily, I had plenty of work to focus on, so I didn't need my small couch, a dilemma we had yet to encounter.

Apparently over the weekend there had been an attack, just a small one but a big enough threat to warrant two people to show up and deal with it.

However, that didn't mean any less paperwork and files to go through and send off for me.

I wouldn't have had my break if Loki hadn't left and returned with a little boxed salad and a bottle of tropical juice.

Tuesday was barely better, though thankfully not as hectic.

I did have to bring Peter into my office once he arrived after school to finalise some details but otherwise, I spent most of my time on the phone, chasing around people and small but vital details.

Loki continued to read, having the occasional conversation with Peter as I edited the document to prepare for send-off.

All in all, it was a wholesome day, watching those two interact was strangely adorable.

Behind his façade of uncaring snobbery, Loki was a surprisingly sweet guy who could obviously care for others despite the cold front he liked to put up.

It seemed that it wasn't only his hands that were deceptively cold.

Too bad that Peter seemed to pull him out of his icy demeanour and got him to show his more playful side, not just the charming taunting one that he liked to present to me.

A strange side to him that I couldn't deny made me feel a little giddy, even if I wasn't into him, I could fully admit that Loki was an attractive God and his personality matched his looks so perfectly that he became the most devastating kind of being.

The kind who could kill you with a smile and then kill you again with a knife after gaining your trust.

The perfect spy.

No wonder they used him for such missions.

There was no denying the fact that Loki's mission transcripts were some of the most interesting ones, he definitely lived up to his nature.

The God could lie his way into a dead stranger's will.

The duo undercover reports were a thrill a minute sometimes, depending on who was paired with who.

I'd read a few in the past where Loki was paired with Natasha and they could be a wild ride from start to finish.

The pair didn't get on particularly well, that was no secret, but they worked together well enough to get the job done.

And it was that dynamic duo who got called out on Wednesday, leaving me alone in my office.

Although it had been a short amount of time, the office already felt empty without Loki's silent presence lingering on my seat, the only sounds stopping the room from total silence being my tapping of keys and his occasional turning of pages.

Admittedly, it was lonely.

I'd become so accustomed to him being there in a matter of days that now it felt wrong to be alone, even if I still lightly preferred it.

Throwing myself into work was an easy way to distract myself from the lack of distraction, though I did find my eyes flickering to the book I'd brought along that morning, one I had intended to recommend to Loki with an enthusiasm I didn't get to exude often in this job.

So, I was once again sat by myself, proofreading a load of reports as the world went on beyond the door, a little part of me waiting for Loki's return.

But only a small part.

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