Arielle's POV:

I pulled on my team USA sweater and my sweatpants before stepping into a pair of uggs. I had a little rip on my right hand and began to wrap it up with gymnastic's tape. It stung a bit at first but I continued to wrap it up.

"Come on. We need to get back. Tomorrow is an off day and I want to sleep," Mckayla whinned to me while I got up and grabbed my bag with my left hand.

"Fine. We can go now. But remember. We can stay up with Skylar," I replied.

"Oh yeah. Well whatever. I feel all sweaty and I want to take a nice long bath because my toe is killing me," Mckayla replied. She had broken her toe. Nothing big but yeah.

"We're going," I replied while the two of us followed the rest of the gymnasts out of the many doors that we have here.

"Mckayla, Aria," I heard a voice yell.

"Yes," I replied.

"Oh my god. I've been looking everywhere for you," Aly said once she got through some of the other gymnasts. Who didn't look that happy and glared at us. I just turned rolled my eyes and ignored them.

"YAY! You found us," Mckayla replied with sarcasm in her voice. I think someone had their period.

"Well someone is sassy today," Aly replied. I just looked at her with the I think she got her period look and that shut her up. We all knew one of us (at least) was going to get it while we were in London. Mother Nature doesn't stop for the Olympics.

"Let's go," Mckayla said.

"We're going. We're going," Aly replied while the 3 of us quickly ran out of the door into the village. All the lights were on and it really was the first time you could actually feel like you were on top of the world. It's a feeling you can't really explain. Like all the lights were on and it looked like all the stars were shining down on you.

"Wow," We all said in unison. Everything was shining. It was amazing and I loved the feeling. The 3 of us slowed our pace and continued to walk back to the rooms. Staring and looking at everything.

Louis's POV:

I saw the Arielle and Mckayla.

"Louis. What the hell are you doing?" Eleanor asked.

"Just come and follow me," I replied. I looked back once I began to take off slighty running to catch up with the girls. Eleanor was right behind me.

"Louis, what the fuck are you doing?" She asked. I just turned back around and continued down. Trying to get down to the podium floor.

"Sir. You cannot come down here. This is for authorized personnel, gymnasts and gymnst's coaches," A security guard said to me, blocking my way down.

"Please. I just wanted to congratulate a team on their win," I replied.

"Who are you? Only certain people may be let through," The man replied.

"I'm Louis Tomlinson from One Direction and this is my girlfriend, Eleanor Calder," I said pulling Eleanor close to me.

"You may be let through," The man said moving aside. I quickly moved when I saw two girls move in front of me.

"Mckayla, Aria," I yelled out.

"What are you doing, Louis?" Eleanor asked me.

"I know those two girls. One of them is Arielle. Trust me on this. I know my own sister," I replied while I continued to pull her along.

"Louis. I'm not sure about that. You could just be thinking that. It's been months since she's gone missing. But you never know. I'm just saying," Eleanor said. Most of the boys thought that by know she was dead and I think Eleanor agreed with them but I know Arielle wouldn't die. That girl wouldn't give up without a fight and that girl who I meet in the park was her.

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