"Deku where are you!?" I yelled walking to the next alley.

The snow was slowly accumulating on the ground, I was less worried with the smell from the necklace but I was still scared for him.

"Gnn- Ome...ga..." I heard in an alley next to me.

I ran towards it, I turned the corner and started crying at what I saw, laying on the ground covered with some snow layed Deku shaking. I rushed to his side, panicked at his state, he was barely conscious.

"Ka...cchan... It's... too cold... go inside... He wispered as he shaked violently.

I looked around to see if there was a store still opened somewhere... I sent my location to Icyhot and Kirishima, hoping they could help me... Deku is way too heavy for me to lift...

"Hold still... I'll try and warm you..." I said starting yo remove my shirt and coat.

"N-no you'll... you'll get c-cold too..." He said trying to stop me.

I removed them and pulled him up, I sat on his lap and placed the coat on his back... He was fucking freezing to have on the chest. I tried my best to keep us both somewhat warm until the other two arrived.

"Idiot why did you leave!? Your wet and cold!" I yelled to him.

"I gave... omega space... like he wanted..." He said coughing.

"Shit... Deku no matter what you do just stay awake okay?" I asked as he nodded.

"Why did you... Find me?" He said as I sighed.

"Because I didn't mean to hit you... Or push you out... I just... I was angry because I do love Icyhot... Even if I hate to admit it..." I said as he chuckled.

"Then I'll... get to know... him better..." He said slowly losing consciousness.

"HEY! KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN DUMBASS!" I yelled before the snow around us melted.

A warm light surounded us, it was really warm, I looked at the alley entrance to see a very worried Icyhot. He was also out of breath.

"Are you two okay!?" He yelled running towards us while keeping the fire burning.

"He's really cold and tired... Shoto please help me bring him back..." I said as he nodded.

He stopped the fire but kept himself warm, he removed his shirt and we layed Deku on his back while I held his legs. We quickly made it back to the dorms, I closed the door before helping him lay Deku on the couch, his breath was heavy and his forehead sweaty. I ran to grab some cold towels as he tried to regulate Deku's body temperature. I came back to see him laying on Deku focusing on his quirk to get their bodies to the same temperature.

"How is he?" I asked as he sighed.

"Bad... His body is in hypothermia shock... yet his body temperature is really high... Like his fever is a 42.7°C, this is dangerous Katsuki he could die..." He said as my breath hitched.

"I won't let him... Not again!" I yelled running to the main showers.

I opened the bath and ran the water to tepid temperatures,  I quickly ran to the kitchen to get cold water in a glass with some acetaminophen, witch is basically a tylenol. I ran to the living room where Icyhot had gotten off Deku.

"His temperature is still rising Katsuki..." He said slightly panicked.

I gently woke him, he looked lost and confused. He smiled at me, as I gave him the acetaminophen to swallow. He did and drank the rest of the water, me and Icyhot picked him up and walked to the showers, I removed his pants to witch Icyhot closed his eyes and tried to help me place him in the bath. After we did he left the room, bumping into walls on his way out.

"Idiot... I doubt Deku cares whether you see him naked or not..." I whispered chuckling.

"K-Kacchan..." He whined out.

"I'm here Deku... How are you feeling?" I asked as he sighed.

"Happy I didn't make you hate me..." He said as I rolled my eyes.

"One, I could never hate you... and two, I was asking about your condition dumbass." I said as his face when 'O'.

"I feel like someone shoved me in a furnace..." He said as I chuckled.

"Yeah your body temperature is pretty high... try to tone it down now why don't you?" I said as he closed his eyes.

"I'll try for you."

With that I kissed his forehead and layed my head against the bath side. He better get well soon cus I hate feeling guilty for him being so sick.


Sorry for those who didn't want this but it is now a TodoBakuDeku. However I plan to make Deku and Todoroki get close to one another before they mark all of eachother, Deku will still claim Kacchan in his next heat don't worry. Todoroki will be later, gotta wait for the treesome y'all!😅

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