CHAPTER 2 - The Chill Tita

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>Chill - a cool, laid-back, or just a likeable person. They don't tend to get angry quick or be mean. They're very mellow.<

Lets call her Tita Mello.

Tita Mello is a laid back person.

She isn't bothered with the little things.

She goes with the flow and just deals with it.

She's the epitome of this emoji 🤷🏻‍♀️

Back when I was a kid Tita Mello would always give me what I want.

If I ask for chips, I get chips.

She's a tita that deals with you in the best way possible.

Once I was this clumsy girl who spills everything in everything.

So basically we can say I'm kind of an anxious person when someone asks me to do something.

So if you ask me to pick up tomatoes on the way home, I'd need a precise number of tomatoes for my nerves to know I won't do something wrong.

But then it leads to over doing and failing because I was too cautious.

Tita Mello never bothered that it takes me a lot of questions just to buy simple things.

I even dropped 2 glasses of orange juice on her newly bought carpet. Guess what she did?

She called a carpet cleaner and took me out on a date.

She bought me ice cream, looked at my crying eyes and said "Eat ice cream, you'd feel better"

I said I was sorry. Even struggling to utter the words.

She said, "Oh, no. I was wrong to ask you to bring my drink over. And you know what? Its just a carpet. You're irreplaceable."

Then she smiled.


You know, I greatly admire her.

I wish I had her patience.

Her being chill and going with the flow.

I don't easily get mad, but I easily get hurt.

I can say I'm not tough like her.

My feelings are more fragile as I grew.

But each time I'm reminded of scenarios I had with her I understood more of the reason why I should be patient.


Tita Mello got married at the age of 27.

She has 4 kids now.

And I'm turning 30.

THE TITA LIFEحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن