CHAPTER 1 - The Ambivert Tita

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>AMBIVERT - a person whose personality has a balance of extrovert and introvert features.<

Lets call her tita Ambi. Tita ambi was the best lowkey tita I know.

Yet, there are times she's unpredictable.

One moment she's partying. The next one she's at home and would prefer not to be bothered.

I got that Personality type with observing her as I grow.

I Learned to keep myself lowkey at times.

And still be open and welcoming.


I actually had a time where I figured out I was truly an ambivert.

I was with friends the whole day. We were hanging out at the mall. Buying stuff and eating outside.

The next day passed as if it was to appease my introvert tendencies, I wanted to be with my friends yet I want to stay quiet.

I chose to go to the library alone. And it was so peaceful.

I felt better. Just, alone.

Different zones for different days.

Whenever I feel like being alone or being with people, I'm reminded of this tita.

How she had it good in her life. She found a husband who she would be completely comfortable with.

A husband that is with her in her different days.

One who knows she'll prefer a 'day off' of a weekend. Just because she wants some peace and quiet in her life.

I hope that I'd have someone who'd love me, for me.

With both our comforts at hand. With smile on our faces even if we're just chilling on the living room sofa.

With eyes that shine every morning, now waking me up cause he knows I'd prefer to sleep in.


I'm an ambivert. I'm reaching 30.

Tita Ambi married someone at age 25.

Yet I'm still here....

Just an ambivert.

THE TITA LIFEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora