Chapter One: My New Life

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(K not gonna lie if no one ever sees this book idc it kinda sucks tell me if you dissagree)     

     (Hope's pov)      'Of all the things' I thought trying to stay calm. "I'm afraid I cannot, I have family elsewhere anyways." I lie trying very hard to keep a level head (not something that runs in the family but eh it worked).

     "Oh, well sorry about your old home." Leaf said kind of awkwardly. "I'll move on." I say trying to reassure him. 'Why is he apologizing? It's not his fault the Pillagers attacked!' I thought genuinely confused, he seemed to buy the made up name, and I didn't have time to get attached to anyone, I needed allies, and fast.

     "I guess this is where we part ways." I say when we reach a river separating the Felina's from other factions like the Frostbourne or the Coven. "I guess." Leaf said. "Well maybe I'll see you somewhere in the forest!" He said smiling, I smile back. "Yeah maybe, and maybe next time I wont tackle you to the ground!" I laughed, he laughed back. "Yeah hopefully!" He said, and with that we cross the river and part ways.

      I would kind of miss my new friend but I have other priorities. So off to the Coven I went, following an old trail made long ago by horses and humans alike. My life was about to get much MUCH harder.


(Leaf's pov)    

      I watched Iris go off into the forest, I knew with the Pillagers allied with the Nether and the Undead I couldn't survive stealing from them anymore, so I went to the only other place I could think of to go, the Frostbourne. So off I went, just me and my weapons in the Mystic Forest.

(Timeskip to Leaf's last night until he reaches Dreadfort aka a few moths later cause he got lost multiple times XD and y') I was simply setting up a fire when I hear something coming out of the forest (at this point I had nearly forgotten Iris) when, to no one's surprise, out came a horde of Undead. They seemed to be running from something, but when they saw me the seemed to forget they were in danger and ran at me. 'Uh oh.' I thought unsheathing my katana then, out of nowhere, with no warning a large beam and nearly ten glowing swords fly past me. Killing the zombies and skeletons in their path. "Wha-" I start turning around but I stop as I remember the face of the person that saved my life. "I-Iris?" I ask startled. "Didn't expect to see you here, Leaf." Iris said smiling. "Iris care to fill me in on who this is?" A female voice said. "Oh! Sorry, this is Leaf we met a few moths ago- wh-when my village was destroyed." Iris said introducing me. "And Leaf this is Stella, my sister." She smiled gesturing to the witch next to her. "Stella The Enchantress, nice to met you!" Stella said beaming, she seemed rather bright, a good quality to have during a war I assumed. 'Maybe it would help in a crisis?' I thought. "It's been awhile Iris, we really need to catch up. And thanks for the help!" Iris and Stella just smiled. "It's nothing!" Stella said, thats when I noticed the enchantment books floating next to the two. "Whats with the books?" I ask. "Oh! I'll fill you in later." Iris responds, her eyes changing from the usual oliveish to pastel pink and light grass green. "Well anyway we better get going." Stella says gesturing to her and Iris. "Oh, where ya going?" I ask. "Us? To the Fostbourne." Stella replies. "What a coincidence I am too!" I said. "Really?" Iris asks. "Yeah, I had nowhere else to go, now that the Pillagers are allied with the Nether and Undead I can't steal supplies from them." I replied casually, what I didn't realize was it wasn't all that normal to raid Pillagers. "You raid Pillager outposts for a living?!?" Iris asked her eyes now a bright yellow with hints of bright lime in the mix. "Yeah... why?" I respond genuinely puzzled. "W-well th-that's insane!" Iris nearly shouted her eyes now dark orange they almost looked black. "Um, sorry?? It's just how I got by." I replied slowly, Iris was obviously irritated. "Anywayyyyyy." Stella said breaking the tension. "Let's go!"


(Hope's pov) I walked next to Stella talking about nothing in particular but when we reached the gate someone walked up to us, someone with pure blue eyes and a matching hoodie. "Who are you, what are your reasons to be in Frostbourne territory?" He questioned. "We wish to aid you in your struggle against the Undead and Nether." Stella replied simply, I usually let her do the talking in situations like this, but I froze when Stella gave me a look I know all to well. 'It's happening again!' She said silently I just stared at the ground. My hair and eyes turning a dark shade of purple (meaning guilt). "I-Iris you alright." Stella asked seeing my hair. "Y-yeah j-just a l-little ner-nervous." I managed starting to fidget with my fingers (something I do irl when I'm nervous sometimes) Leaf was just kinda doing his own thing, but we all got kinda nervous when we went to speak with Lady Azura, the Frostbourne Scholar. Stella knocked on the door. "Lady Azura? We wish to join your cause-" She began as a (rather short) young women walked out of the room. "Ah, yes Rain alerted me of your coming." She replied. "You wish to fight against the Undead?" Azura asked, Stella hesitated, so I took action. "Yes, we want to help you end their reign." I say hastily. "Good, good we will test your skills very soon until then I should get you acquainted with General Patrick!" The scholar said almost too quickly, I tend to notice these kind of things rather often. "Well, follow me!" Azura said walking to a large staircase, although I'm a Felina (so this shouldn't really apply) I have a kinda big fear of heights. What!? It's scary being what, a million feet in the air? I was kinda struggling not to twitch or fidget, but I pulled it off, until we reached an office. "Ok listen, Ser Patrick has a bit of a temper, so try not to be... like Rain." Azura sighed opening the door. "General Patrick you have a few people that wish to see you." She announced. "Send them in, I'm not busy." A deep voice said, thats when I started to fidget and barley see a bit of my hair turn pale green, nearly white, of course I knew that it meant unsettled and not to mention TERRIFIED! (being up this high and... Patrick) "Ah, so you wish to join the army?" The general asked. "Y-yes." I responded wanting to get the conversation over with. "I see, tomorrow I will test your skills and I will assign you a position." Patrick said. "Until then you will stay here in the castle, Azura knows where the empty rooms are." He said gesturing to the blue haired scholar. "I will see you tomorrow." He said, we all walked out and when we did I noticed Leaf looking rather nervous (almost as much as me). "Hey Leaf, you alright?" I ask, he nods. "Just that I am not really awesome at actual sword fighting, I just know how to use a sword, not fight with it like solders do." He replied looking at the floor. "Oh, my parents where kind of strict about me learning how to fight well so I could show you a few things, even though I just go along with it and do what comes to mind usually." I say trying to cheer him up. "Thanks, I might just take you up on that offer." Leaf said now beaming. "It's nothing!" I say smiling back. "Stella, your room is here, Leaf yours is right there and Iris, you room is down this hallway and to the right." Azura said. "Thanks!" We all replied, our rooms were actually pretty close only a few doors apart, I liked not being far away from the (very few) people I knew, I found it a bit less stressful that way. I walked into my room and sat on the edge of my bed, what would they test us about? Strategy, not my strong suit but I knew the basics of why it was a good skill and why it was so important to leaders, maybe about different weapons and their purposes? That, I would pass easily, I knew whatever it was I could hopefully pass it, I start to feel nervous again and my hair turns that same unsettling pale green color it was before. 'Calm down you twitching nerve ball!' I silently shout to myself, I hear someone knock on my door, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Come in." I say and Azura walks in. "You should know Patrick wants to test you at around 8:00 am." She warned. "Oh, no... I hate waking up early." I say laughing, it was true though. "Well I'd get some sleep while you can, the Nether usually attacks early in the morning." Azura said walking out. "Thanks, Azura." I say, and with that I guess I have to try not to have the worst nightmares ever so I can actually sleep, but before I knew it I was out like a light. The next day would bring rather annoying challenges, but I didn't want to think about that now, so I let myself rest easy. Knowing my new life was about to begin.

ON HOLD (most likely for a long time) Lost trails: book 1, Fallen KingdomWhere stories live. Discover now