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Okay so please read this before requesting!!!

I'm kinda in the mood to write for Sab, Cynthia, and Lauren so if you have any requests for them comment please! I don't write for them a lot and I want to.

You can request anyone who isn't blacklisted! Like if you want you can request people who i've never done (Liya Perez, Maddy Crum, Nailea Devora, etc.)

Just because I feel like I write for some people a lot and I think others would be fun to write about!

Also, I love writing fluff, but if you guys have any angst too i'd love to write those :)

Edit: you guys can requested the people I do a lot (Mads, Nessa, etc) I just thought it'd be interesting to write for others

You can request smut (Girls only tho) I might say yes. Just depends.

any other details (if any):

I'm writing requests while i work on preferences because preferences will probably take me a little longer.
And I'm adding Eva, Devyn, and Emily to the preferences! I'm adding Maddy and Liya soon after too!

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