"But how? How can I go see all of my friends knowing you're wearing this and not touch you?" His eyes continued to rake across my body.

"That sounds like a you problem." I grabbed the rest of my costume from my closet. I was going as Bella Swan, because hey, I had to balance out the uncomfortable lingerie with something and it was way too easy to throw on a t-shirt, jeans, and a hoodie. It's basically what I wore when I wasn't at work, anyways.


"Ciao, bella!" Rossi placed a small peck on either of my cheeks. "Please, come in, come in!"

Spencer and I walked inside, baffled by the grandeur. I never thought Halloween decorations could be this elegant but leave it up to Rossi to find a way around the typical tacky décor.

The tiniest bit of anxiety creeped in as we walked around a house full of people I didn't recognize, causing me to scratch my arms. Spencer immediately noticed and took my hand in his to distract me. This was dangerous – we didn't know where the rest of the team was, or if anyone was even here yet.

"C'mon, let's go get you a drink." He led me to the kitchen, the one room in this house we had spent the most time in. Rossi had the team over frequently, mostly to cook us dinner and let us drink all of his expensive wine, but I had never been to one of his parties until now.

We rounded the corner into the kitchen and our hands flew apart like shrapnel. Emily and JJ were standing at the island, sipping their drinks and chatting.

"Well, look who finally showed up!" JJ scolded.

"Hey, you know this costume took a lot of prep! I definitely didn't just grab it out of my closet." I gestured down to the clothes I absolutely just grabbed out of my closet.

"Is Morgan here yet?" Spencer glanced around the kitchen.

"Yeah, he's over there." Emily pointed in the direction of the dining room, towards which Spencer started walking. "So, what's up with you and Reid?" She asked immediately after he was out of earshot. They were wasting no time before the interrogation.

I choked lightly on the drink I just sipped. "What do you mean?"

"Oh, don't pretend like you don't know!" JJ smirked. "We've all seen the way you look at each other."

"I-I don't know what you're talking about, we're just friends. I swear." I lied through my teeth, and there's no way they believed me.

"Mhm so all of the smiles, the sitting next to each other at every opportunity, the hand holding-" she vaguely gestured in the direction of where Spencer and I had entered the kitchen a few minutes ago. "That's just between friends?"

"Y-Yes," I doubled-down. I wasn't about to let them pop the sweet little bubble Spencer and I had been in lately. "I get a bit of social anxiety sometimes and I was nervous with all of these random people around and..."

I was saved by the bell. Or, rather, saved by the lively greetings Garcia was shrieking at us as she ran over.



I left y/n to go find Morgan. As much as I wanted to stay with her the whole night, that would raise suspicions. And plus, I knew I would see her later.

"Hey, Morgan!" He was standing near the table piled high with food talking with some woman, but I interrupted anyways.

"I'll come find you later, baby," he said, which caused the woman to release her tight grip on his arm and walk away with a smile. He turned to me. "Hey kid! This party is poppin', right? Rossi really outdid himself on this one."

The Chariot (Spencer x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now