Hotch raised his eyebrows and announced, "alright everyone, you know the drill. Wheels up in 30."

On the jet, my mind drifted to Spencer. I hoped he was alright. I felt guilty for having to leave him this soon. I had always wished that there was someone there for me when I was at my lowest point, and I just wanted to be that person for him.

"Y/l/n?" Hotch raised his voice to snap me out of my thoughts and grab my attention.

"Mhm?" I slowly came back to reality to find everyone's eyes on me.

"You and Prentiss go to the crime scene and find out what you can before they move the bodies. Rossi, Morgan, JJ and I will go to the local PD and set up," he ordered in his ever-stoic manner. I haven't known him for that long – hell I barely know him now – but I do know that he almost never smiles.

With the end of the conversation, I returned to my worrying about Spencer. I knew I couldn't do anything to help him right now except finishing this case as fast as possible, but that didn't lessen any of the guilt I felt about leaving.

Prentiss and I arrived at the scene of the most recent murders about an hour later. The downstairs level of the house was completely undisturbed. Not a single pillow left unfluffed or book not placed in its correct spot on the shelf.

"Well, it doesn't look like the unsub took anything. The M.O. must be personal, not monetary." I pondered.

We both made our way upstairs to where the bodies were. I walked into the master bedroom and saw both parents laying on the bed, throats slashed from ear to ear, bathing in pools of their own blood. There was a vase of still fresh roses next to the bed. I cautiously approached the roses and saw a note: "Happy Anniversary, dear. I love you." From the husband, to his wife, both laying completely void of life to my left.

I turned to look at the bodies and, in that moment, all of the intrusive thoughts I had so effectively compartmentalized came rushing to the forefront. I looked down at my body, but I wasn't in my suit and sneakers anymore. I was in my pajamas.

Confused by my changed appearance, I raised my arms to get a better look at myself. But, instead of finding the slightly raised, slightly discolored scars that I had grown accustomed to, I saw fresh wounds dripping with blood. I tried to apply pressure to them in hopes to stop the bleeding, but when I pressed down, there were no cuts. It was only blood. A deep crimson to match the flowers, enough puddling around my feet to fill an Olympic sized swimming pool.

I slowly turned my head to look into the dresser mirror across the room. I didn't see myself, instead only the ghost of a girl. Sure, she sort of resembled me, but the girl who stared back at me had different eyes. They were still green and sort of blue, but softer and more innocent, like she hadn't seen the horrible things I had.

In stark contrast with her gentle, almost angelic eyes, her mouth was tugged up into a devilish grin like she knew something I didn't. Something I would never figure out.

The next thing I knew, I was lying on my back, hearing Prentiss' worried voice and trembling hands shaking me awake. "Hey y/n, are you okay?"

"What happened?" I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"You fainted. Here, can you stand?" She gave me her hand to grab as she helped me stand. "C'mon, you should go back to the hotel for the day and rest. I'll take you."

"No, I'm fine, really. Let's just go to the station," I insisted.


I didn't get back to my hotel room until a bit after 12am. Garcia had figured out that the mother of each family had attended the same spin class a month ago. We weren't quite sure what that meant yet but decided to break for the night anyways.

The Chariot (Spencer x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now