This power was meant to be with me. He was meant to be with me.

"Raelle," Kyron gasps, his fingers encircle my free hand and squeeze.

"I missed this," I say, the words tumbling out of my mouth on a sigh.

The gaping hole in my soul steadily fills, and euphoria replaces the relentless ache in my chest. I pull harder and the heat of his flames lick at my skin until it sinks inside. It's mine—the shadows and fire. It is at home in my body, nestling in all the cracks inflicted upon my heart.

"Raelle," Kyron groans, and fear chases away my bliss.

A horrific image plays in my head. The night we fought the Stigian at Lake Holly. My anger, my power-lust, and Kyron begging me to stop. I'd almost killed him the first time I used his gift. My gaze darts to his to find dread and... surrender.

I yank my hand from his and release his power. It brushes past me as if wishing me farewell and vanishes within him.

A bulky warrior with mahogany skin and high cheekbones rushes to Kyron's side. His long blue-black ponytail whips around his face and wisps of hair cling to his full upper lip as he places a steady hand at Kyron's back. His dark-brown eyes burn with mistrust and speak to his willingness to strike if I advance on his prince.

The sanctuary has fallen silent, watching the two future rulers of feuding kingdoms. The Stigian people appear stunned by what they witnessed. A Cyffred has controlled the gift of a Khiros, and not just any Khiros but an elemental who wields three powers.

I gasp for air, my eyes wide as I stare at Kyron. His face has drained of color and his head lulls to the side. His eyelids are heavy, giving me only a quick glimpse of how his pupils have overtaken the gold in his irises.

"It is all right," Micah whispers and gently pulls me back from the dais.

I shake within his arms, unable to look away from Kyron.

"I'm fine, just dizzy, Lance," the prince says, stumbling back a couple of steps and holding his palm out to ward off his guard.

Esmeray looks me up and down and cocks a sculpted eyebrow. "I've never seen anyone wield the Eporri like that, not even our mighty grandfather. It's a shame you choose to stay with Micah when you could rule as queen for a greater kingdom." She tilts her head toward Kyron. "Not to mention you would be with your parah. It must be agonizing to be apart from him."

Anger replaces my concern, and I force a smile. "I haven't given your son much thought, but I'll confess that I missed having control of his power. Besides, I've made a promise to wed, and I intend to keep it." I glare at Kyron. "I don't betray those who place their faith in me."

The queen clicks her tongue against the roof of her mouth. "Just know as long as my son wants you, my offer stands."

"Thanks, but I'll pass," I say, looping my arm through Micah's. "I'm ready to return home, Your Majesty."

"I wish you well, sister." Micah nods at Kyron. "I hope one day you will serve your kingdom better than your mother has."

The color has returned to Kyron's face, and he stands tall. His jaw flexes, and he replies, "I assure you her influence will guide my every decision for Stigian."

"That is a shame to hear," Micah mutters and leads me down the aisle.

The Devine Sibyl's voice echoes from behind us. "I present unto you, the future sovereign of Stigian. May he rule with a pure heart, a just hand, a wise mind, and be the embodiment of the Statera's immaculate balance."

The Stigian people respond in unison, "Blessed be Kyron, the prince of Stigian."

I don't need to turn back to know the sibyl places a crown upon Kyron's head, solidifying him as my rival and making our chances of ever reconciling non-existent.

My father and Zek, who have waited at the back of the sanctuary, fall in line, flanking Micah and me. The moment we make it out the door and descend the front steps, the weight of what happened inside bears down on me. My knees buckle, and I grip the side of the carriage as I dry heave.

"I'm so proud of you, Raelle," my father says, rubbing his hand along my spine. "I know that wasn't easy."

Tears I didn't even think I had left for Kyron raise to the surface and run down my cheeks. It was all too much, seeing him, feeling his power, touching his skin. I turn around and bury my face against my father's chest. "I knew it would hurt, Papa, but not this bad."

My father comforts me with gentle words as I sob, and then his hand stops moving on my back and he falls silent. I lift my head and follow his gaze over my shoulder. My heart stops and my breath hitches.

Kyron stands behind me with his hands shoved in his pockets and his new ostentatious crown resting across his brow. "Can I talk with you for a moment?" he asks.

"I don't think that is a good idea," Micah says with a clipped tone.

Kyron ignores his uncle and remains focused on me. "Please, Raelle."

I look at my father for guidance. He once stood firm in his faith for Kyron, believing there was a greater unseen purpose in his choice. But time has diminished his trust and even he questions if Kyron's betrayal was for nothing more than a crown.

"It is up to you. We are in no hurry if this is what you want," he says, brushing his knuckle over my wet cheek.

Micah scoffs, overridden by a father doing what he knows is best for his child.

I turn to Kyron and cling to the queen Borin molded me to be. "You and I had our final words. We said them that night in the catacombs; you don't regret your decision, and I can't forgive you for it. Nothing has changed."

"Sounds like that sums it up."

Kyron shoots a glare at Zek, and the prince's massive guard steps forward. Zek leans against the back corner of the carriage, crosses his arms and cocks a brow, goading the prince on. Kyron's lip curls in a snarl and he shakes his head before turning back to me. He wraps his fingers around my arm and guides me away from the watchful eyes of my entourage. "Can I have a few minutes alone with you?"

I pull from his hold, saying, "I don't—"

A blast of scorching heat blazes past me, and I'm thrown to the ground with a heavy body on top of me. I gasp for breath and smoke infused air fills my lungs, sending me into a coughing fit. My ears ring, muffling barked orders, and horrific scene plays out in my mind. The ear-splitting boom, the flash of heat, and Kyron flying through the air.

I shove the body shielding mine to the side and scramble to my knees.

"Raelle, are you hurt?" my father asks, trying to gather me back against him.

"No, Papa." I franticly push him away, looking past the chaos surrounding me.

Lucent guards and Stigian warriors stumble into formation around us. They trip over chunks of cobblestone and marble, with protruding bones and blood-soaked faces. Through the dust lingering in the air, the men and woman who watch over their kingdom's sovereign work to make sense of the madness.

A golden glint catches my eye and I rush forward on my hands and knees. I yank and toss metal and burned wood out of my way, digging through the rubble.

"Kyron!" I scream, pulling what was once a door to a Stigian carriage away from his chest. The blast dislodged his crown from his head and a trail of crimson streams from his brow. His skin is ashen, and on his shoulder, blood bubbles up around a spike of wood. I move to shake him awake, but another explosion rains down more debris.

My body moves of its own accord, flinging over the lifeless Stigian prince.

Crown of Feathers (Book 2 of the Crown Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now