~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It was now 12:30pm, me and Katie were walking to the Great Hall from potions.
"Snape was even grumpier than usual today, I wonder why." Katie said.
"I know right, if thats even possible." I replied.
"Has anyone asked you to the ball yet?"
"Nope. Honestly, at this point I might just go alone, I have no hope that anyone is going to ask me." I sighed.
"Oliver might." She replied smirking.
"Yeah, but you heard what he said. He said he was probably going to ask Alicia to not ruin our friendship and to get a reaction out of me."
"Not gonna lie, him asking Alicia to get a reaction out of you is bang out of order and don't get me wrong I don't like Alicia but it isn't fair on her either." Katie responded.
"I know, I mean I also don't like her but it isn't fair." I said.

We stopped our conversation as we approached the Great Hall as the last thing I want is Oliver or any of the boys to hear what we were talking about.

I am a bit annoyed at Oliver to be honest because he is using Alicia to get a reaction out of me. Using a girl on its own is bad but then using them to get a reaction out of another person is taking it to another level. I hate Alicia but I feel really bad for her and I am quite tempted to tell her, not that she would believe me, she thinks everyone likes her or has a crush on her but clearly she is wrong.

Last friday we also heard Oliver say that he would ask Alicia so he doesn't get rejected because Alicia hasn't exactly kept her crush a secret. She is always flirting with him and although I don't show it, I get really jealous which is exactly what she wants. She wants me to back off 'her man', as she calls him, and she keeps trying to make me jealous. I'm just so confused about the whole situation.

I'm starting to question if Oliver still likes me. I mean, if he liked me, surely he would ask me to the ball, right? Also if he liked me, Alicia wouldn't even be an option. Ughhhh. Why is this so confusing. Katie snapped me out of my thoughts by waving her hand in my face.

"Hm. Sorry what?" I said.
"I said are you alright? You just zoned out for like 5 minutes."
"Yeah I'm fine. Just thinking." I said yawning.
"Did you even notice that the boys aren't here?"
"Oh. No." I said looking around. Me and Katie started to eat our lunch, when a few minutes later the boys walked in.

"Hello ladies." The twins said in sync. (iykyk)
"Hey guys. Congrats on asking Angelina to the ball, by the way George." I said smiling.
"Thanks. I mean who would say no to this." He said gesturing to himself. Me, Katie, Lee, Fred and Oliver all raised our hands and said "Me!" at the same time causing us all to laugh, except George, who faked being upset.

"Well we know George is taking Angelina but what about you guys. Have you three asked anyone yet?" Katie asked.
"This morning while you were at practice, I asked Luna and she said yes!" Lee said excitedly.
"Thats amazing Lee! I'm so happy for you." I said patting his shoulder.
"What about you Oli?" I asked. I decided that if he has asked Alicia, I'm going to make it look like I'm not bothered because if he is asking her for a reaction out of me he isn't going to get one.

"Well, I just asked Alicia a few minutes ago actually." As he said this I could feel all four boys' eyes on me, waiting for a reaction, but I'm not giving them one.
"Aww! I'm really happy for you." I said smiling while patting his shoulder, like I did with Lee.
"Really?" He asked shocked.
"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" I asked, pretending to be confused. Katie knew exactly what I was doing as she was trying to suppress a laugh.

*Olivers POV*
I was very confused when Y/N said she was happy for me that I asked Alicia to the ball. I wasn't expecting her to be ok with it. I thought she liked me. Maybe she still does. Maybe she is pretending not to be bothered, although if she is pretending she is incredibly good at it. Now I'm really confused. I think I will talk to the boys about it later because they seemed just as confused as me.

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