Chapter 2

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Me and Draco hung out mostly every day in he always came and waited out side the Gryffindor painting to say good morning.

We played we did everything together until Christmas was over I said bye to Draco he said he was sad the he could not see me again.

I told him it was fine I said "I'm going to read books now bye" he said "bye" Jen came up to Draco and said "what are you doing with a mud blood Draco" he said "what no I was just telling her not to get close to me because I don't like her".

I heard what he said and I pretended to be sad and Draco saw that I was sad and he felt bad. I could not do it now more And then I bursted out laughing.

Jen was gone at that time so Draco told me if I was ok I said "yes I'm okay I just wanted to trick you that I was sad" he said "oh well you scared me then y/n" 

I was just walking to class and then Jen came up to me and pushed me I fell on my butt.

I was about about to stand up but pansy pushed me again. I saw Draco next to Jen he didn't help me so I got up kicked Jen and punched pansy. I got my book and stared reading it walking away.

They were chasing me but I just moved my wand and they fell on their butts Draco and Blaise stared laughing they girl left mad.

Everybody was gone then Draco came up to me and said "again sorry for the way she treats you" I said "oh no that's fine I can defend myself I'm a muggle-born but I'm very smart in fighting

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