Chapter 1

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(Y/n is depressed)

It's the first year and I'm exited because I have problems in my family that I don't want to deal with I'm y/n I packed my stuff as soon as possible went to diagon alley to get my stuff I was on my way to grab my wand and I spotted a pure blood with white hair.

I knew it was Draco I heard about him and how he's rude and I saw a girl next to him I'm guessing she is a pure blood too

I waited until they got out the wands shop then I got in for my wand. I got my stuff went back home and packed them too.

It was getting night time so I went to sleep.

In the morning I got a baggy hoodie and some loose but tight pants some boots I went to the 9 3/4 train and found this girl with frizzy hair.

Since I have no friends and I have social anxiety I asked did I could sit with her.
I asked all there names a kid said "I'm Ron Ron Weasley" another kid said "Harry Potter" and then the girl with frizzy hair "I'm Heormine granger"

Then saw I didn't looked shocked when Potter said his name and they asked "you know you are speaking to the Harry Potter" I said "oh sorry I'm a muggle born I really never learned about him" they said "oh no that's okay"

I stared singing songs I knew all my way to Hogwarts. I saw the pale boy again and I got up ran to the door and chased after him I said " hi I'm y/n" he said "out the way muggle born" I was about to punch him but I stared singing a song in my head and went back with Potter.

We finally arrived at Hogwarts and I got put in Gryffindor. I looked back at the slytheirn table and the girl next to Draco looked very mad at me. I saw them leave and I was going to the bathroom Heormine was reading a book and tripped over the girl.

They stared screaming at her and I got so mad I went in and pushed the girl I said "what the fuck is your problem" she said "this bitch tripped over me" I pushed the girl to the ground and I made my way to the bathroom picking Heormine up.

The girl said "my name is Jen you should be scared of me" I said "fuck off" i saw Draco was trying not to laugh. I ignored him.

I walked in the bathroom and heromine said "thank you" I said "your welcome" I took of my hoodie showing a crop top wich was very cute.

I don't really know why I took my hoodie off I but felt brave out of no were. I walked out the bathroom Draco kept looking at me so did Jen.

I ignored them as time went on and on I stared feeling more brave it's was soon to be Christmas break I was going to stay at Hogwarts because I didn't want to see the problems in my home.

As I was reading a book I saw the blond boy again this time he came up to me. He told me "hey you Gryffindor girl what is your name?" I said "y/n why" I was still focused in my book still.

I said "what your name" he said "I'm Malfoy Draco Malfoy" I said "oh you better go you girlfriend is probably looking for you" he said "she's not my girlfriend and she's going back home for the holidays I'm staying" I said "oh cool for you blond boy"

He asked "why don't you always protect heormine" I said "well she is my only friend and I always protect my friends" he said "do you wanna be friends with me" I said "Sure" but then he said "oh also when the Christmas break is over please don't talk to me Jen hates you and I wanna be friends with you"

I said "ok yea Sure"

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