13 | counter-potions

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"I feel bad, I do," James informed the boys and Maya wanted to ram her head into the table for the millionth time that day. He currently sat with Madilyn perched on his lap and his arms wrapped around her. It made her want to projectile vomit. "But when it's love you just know."

Sirius turned to look at Remus at this, "I'm going to kill him."

"No, you aren't," Remus told him simply, flipping to the next page in his book.

"Oh yes I am," he countered.

"Just give it time."

"If Sirius won't do it, I will," Peter announced. And if Peter was willing to kill James of all people, it was bad.

"Would the borh of you, stop planning his murder?" Remus requested. "You just have to make it one more day."

Madilyn seemed intrigued at this, "And what's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that I myself have planned both of your inevitable murders and it's going to happen tomorrow," he informed her simply, not even sparing her a glance. "I figured I'd get rid of you both in one foul swoop. Then you'll both be together for eternity. Doesn't that sound just lovely, James?"

"Yes, it does," he agreed with a grin as he stared up at the girl in admiration. If you could even call it that.

Sirius groaned before he stood up from his spot on the floor and joined his sister at the table in the back of the common room.

"Do they have to be so out in the open about it?" Maya scowled, "It's disgusting."

Sirius took the seat across from her, "I don't think either of them care."

"Clearly," she scowled, glancing over at them, "I'm just thankful he wasn't like that with me."

"Madilyn spiked his drink with a love potion," Sirius told her simply, "He doesn't know what he's doing."

Maya shook her head at this and turned to look at her brother, "What? How do you know that?"

"Well, I may or may not have spiked her drink with Veritaserum," he explained. "Hypocritical, maybe. Necessary, definitely. Moony is working on an antidote seeing as the effects don't appear to be wearing off."

"I take it that it'll be ready by tomorrow?" she inquired as she closed her book that she had been reading for homework. "I didn't think he would be open to murder as a solution."

"He's very different from us," Sirius pointed out, glancing over at the boy who sat on the couch studying.

Maya couldn't help but smile at this, "My brother's in love. Never did I think I would live to see that day."

Sirius' head snapped forward, "I'm not in love."

"Sure you aren't," she rolled her eyes.

"Well then it would appear that we're both screwed on that front."

She huffed, glancing over at James and Madilyn, the uncomfortable feeling in her stomach returning, "Am I allowed to kill her? Someone should make good on Remus' promise and if it's only half of the deal, I don't think anyone will mind that."

"As much as it pains me to say it, no you can't," Sirius informed her and sighed in defeat. "Just one more day."

"Not sure I can make it one more day."


"You drugged him?" Maya exclaimed as she held the girl against the wall by her throat. She had been waiting to do this since the moment she found out and now that she had been given permission, she was happy to follow through. "You drugged him so you could sleep with him!"

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