12 | heartbreaks

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"Oh come on!" Sirius whined. He had been begging Maya all night to reveal how she really felt about James. He had even gone as far as trying to put truth serum in her drink but she caught him before he could. "It's not as though he's here and we won't tell him!"

"Don't you think you're pushing it, Padfoot?" Remus inquired from where he rested his head on his lap. "I wouldn't put murdering you past her."

"I just want to know the extent of her feelings," he pointed out, "To make sure that James won't end up hurt in the end."

"I'm going to bed," Maya announced as she stood up. "I've had enough of you morons."

Them, along with quite a few other Gryffindor's had gotten their hands on some firewhiskey and had made a night of it. Maya, however, had sworn off drinking temporarily after what had happened the last time she drank.

"Already?" James spoke up and Maya whirled around to see him standing behind the couch, "But I just got here."

"Sorry," she shrugged, standing up from the couch. "I'm tired and I'm not exactly the best company when sleep deprived." Maya had quit the Quidditch team right before break and they had moved James to Seeker. While he had protested her departure, she reminded him that she was the only thing getting in the way of his dream position.

"If you must," he pouted jokingly and she placed a kiss on his lips, ignoring Sirius' protests. "Goodnight everyone."

"You could always tell him what you were about to tell us," Sirius pointed out.

She narrowed her eyes at him, "Not yet." Sirius was taken aback by this. Because she hadn't said no, and she hadn't denied what she was going to say.

Maya made her way upstairs quickly, glancing back down only momentarily to see James was watching her. He smiled up at her to which she returned the gesture before looking back ahead.

She knew how she felt about James, of course. She had known for quite some time now but it wasn't something you just said randomly. What if he didn't feel the same way? What if he wasn't really over Lily? What if he freaked out when she told him?

There was only one way to find out.


"Oh my, I'm sorry," James slurred, staring down at the girl who he had just spilled his drink on. "Do I know you?"

She smiled up at him, "The name's Madilyn."

"I'm James," he replied.

"I know."

"Oh, let me get you a new shirt," he decided as he made his way to the stairs that led to his room, "I'll be right back."

"I'll come with you," she suggested.

"That's alright," he shook his head slightly but she appeared to follow him up anyway, "Okay then."

He entered his room and went straight to his dresser, pulling out a shirt for her to borrow, "Here you are."

She took the shirt from him and immediately pulled her own shirt over her head. He turned around quickly, scratching the back of his neck uncomfortably, "Go for it, I suppose."

"Thank you," she stated and he glanced back to see that she had a shirt on now.

He made his way to the door to leave but she grabbed his arm, confusing him greatly. "Why go down there when I have the good stuff right here?" she pointed out and he looked down to see the flask in her hands.

"What is it?" he asked warily.

"Just give it a smell," she suggested, raising the liquid to him, "You'd be surprised."

Where It Stays | J. POTTER [1]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن