"Amelia! We are here to say sorry" Martha said

"For what exactly?!" I asked "the time you put shaving cream in my bike's helmet or the other time you put pickles in my birthday cake? Or...." I wanted to continue but they cut me short

"For this!" Martha gave a cold smile while Ashley moved behind me and ripped open the zipper on my shirt so hard that the zipper broke and then they ran away after screaming to getting everyone's attention.

At that moment I felt the cold air move across my back. I quickly placed my back against the locker feeling so embarrassed. What would I do? How will I get out of this mess? What did I do to deserve such treatment? For a moment I felt like crying my heart out until I noticed everyone looking at me. If I cry... they'll probably get their phones out to record me soo... I'll pass.

All the guys and girls in the school gathered around me and to make matters worse, they were taking pictures saying something about how my facial expression will make them a perfect meme.

"Lil miss ponytail, get up and dance for us" one of the guys yell

"Hey! Girlie, you wanna join us for a swim. I got a bikini that has your name on it" another ugly looking dude said with a wink.

I stood there frozen navigating how I'll leave this place without anyone attempting to pull my shirt but then my stupid brain stopped working after I heard a familiar voice. It was Mason! I felt so embarrassed. I didn't know if I should be happy or sad. Is he also going to laugh at me like the other dudes? No he wouldn't do that to me, would he?

He moved through the crowd and punched the ugly dude, his muscular body was too intimidating for the ugly dude to fight back. He quickly took off his shirt revealing his muscular and well toned body along strong looking abs and handed it over to me. I felt so happy, overjoyed. I didn't have to embarrass myself running out of the hallway with a back open ripped cloth and a potential clothing rip. I quickly took the shirt he handed over to me and put it on. It was an oversized shirt but it is better than nothing.

"Move! Or do you all want to fight with me now?" he yelled and they all scattered like ants

"Mason...th-thank you" I stammered

"I'm sure Patricia did this!" He said "let's go give a report about this incident to the principal"

"please! it will just make things worse!" I said avoiding anything to do with that witch Patricia

"no! i warned her! lets go" he grabbed my arm ready to pull me

"Okay...but, you don't have a shirt" I said gripping on his shoulder

"That's okay. The most important this is that you are covered. let's go" he said and we walked towards the principal's office

When we got into the principal's office. We told him all the things that happened and then he asked one of the students passing by to call Patricia, Martha and Ashley over to his office. When they arrived, I could sense her fear and worry which made me quite pleased.

After a long time of presenting facts and critical thinking, the principal's declared that Patricia Martha and Ashley will be taken off the cheerleading squad for this entire school term and if they continue they exhibit such bad behaviors again they will be suspended for the entire month of school. The principal gave them a clear warning which made me think why I never came to report their useless behaviors and attitude a long time ago.

This would have never happened without the help of Mason, after all that was over, it was already closing hour. Mason and I left the school building and moved to the school parking lot where his expensive black Bentley was parked. He tapped his side pockets looking for something.

"I forgot my car keys in my locker. wait here and I'll come back with it. okay."

"O-okay" I stammered

When he was gone, I saw three figures moving towards me and they were none other than the figures that bullied me my entire life in middle school and plan to do same in senior year. the most evil of them all Patricia, the witch came towards me and gave me a thick frown

"This is so not over Lil Miss ponytail" she said "don't you dare come close to my boyfriend!"

"You mean your ex-boyfriend?!" I folded my armed below my chest "Oh my God!" I yelled

"What!" She said looking confused

"Do you smell that? I think it's coming from your mouth? shut that mouth that's smelling like a garbage bin! you shouldn't have use that mouth spray" I said which made her fell so bad and embarrassed

"Really!? Martha! I told you not to give me that mouth spray" she said

"No! your mouth smells fine" Martha said "it smells like strawberry!"

"Now get the hell out of here and stop acting like spoiled brats! I'm no more Lil Miss ponytail. you're not going to get another chance to threaten me. NEVER!!" I said slowly as though explaining a new concept to a child

oh how I've longed to say this in her face, she was about to make a move until I pointed behind her. she looked behind and saw Mason coming over and technically had to stop whatever she was planning to do.

"I suggest you leave before he smells that stinking mouth smelling like a garbage truck!" I suggested

She looked at me up and down and while tossing her blonde hair to the side as she left walking like a depressed monkey.

"Amelia! what did she say? did she do anything?" Mason said clearly looking worried

"Meh. I put her in a place" I felt proud

"Okay. Cool, shall we go?" he asked

"Yeah, let's go" I said and stepped into his car

Don't forget, I'm still answering questions no matter how silly they are!!

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What is Amelia's zodiac sign

Amelia's zodiac sign is gemini!

LOVE YA!! ❤️❤️

Love, Lies, and Loyalty: A Teens' Love TriangleHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin