Miranda sat down and then looked at the other side of the court room. Kimberly or her lawyer where no where to be found.

“ Good afternoon.” Judge Brown said. He open the case file.

“I call formally Williams vs Bailey.” He said looking up before looking over at the empty spot.

“Where is the plaintiff.” The judge asked pushing his glasses up.

“I am so sorry for our tardiness. Your honor.” Kimberly’s lawyer said bursting in from the door. Miranda looked back as Kimberly followed suit.

“Come in Parker and you and Ms. Williams have a seat please.” The judge said annoyed.

Miranda looked over at Kimberly and she saw that she had a  bandage over her stiches which she didn’t have the night of making it more noticeable. She knew that she did that just for today.
Ben could see the look of surprise and nervousness on her face so he reached out and gave her shoulder a squeeze.

“Really you came here to day Ben and sat on her side.” Kimberly made a loud out burst.

“Excuse me.” Miranda said getting loud.

“Dr. Bailey no. Let her be loud. We can use this to our advantage.” Her lawyer whispered.

Ben gave a surprise look. He was generally confused. He knew that she knew they were together, so he didn’t understand her out burst.

“You watched that woman attack me and you are sitting there on her side with her. Are you insane.”

“Ms. Williams enough with the loud outburst.” The judge declared.

Miranda looked over at the woman with confusion. She honestly was scared that this woman was insane. She watched as her lawyer pulled on her arm telling her to calm down and let her handle it.

“No I will not calm down. I should kill that woman.” Kimberly said standing up.

“Ms. Williams. Order….. counselor Parker. Talk to your client. Or she will be held in contempt.” The judge yelled.

“Your honor may I ask for five minutes or a continuation” Parker asked.

“Under no circumstances will there be a continuation. That is not fair to my client to continue this. She is chief of general surgery and would like to pick up with her life and move pass this.” Miranda’s lawyer argued.

“Your honor we would also like to file charges under the penal code section 422 criminal threat attending to the plaintiff loud outburst threatening my client” Miranda’s lawyer also announced as Kimberly's lawyer pulled her out of the court room.

“Your honor may I approach.” Miranda’s lawyer spoke.


“Your honor my client, Doctor Miranda Bailey is an upholding member of society and is a renown doctor. She doesn’t have any priors and as you can see from the plaintiff’s outburst. My client was previously verbally assault and it lead to a physical altercation. We are arguing for mutual Fighting which is legal here in the state of Washington. We are asking for moving to dismissal and charges to be dropped.” The lawyer pushed.

The judged looked from the lawyer to Miranda who looked to be stressed as she messed with her fingers.
He blew out a breath, Dr. Bailey. You are a lucky woman. This is your warning.” He said slowly.

Miranda nodded her head.

“Case dismissed.” He replied slamming the gavel down. He stood up and blew out a breath. He put his hand on his head as it looked to be a head ache forming.

“Your honor wait. May I.” Miranda asked nervously and quietly.

Ben looked at her with questioning eyes.

“You may approach.” He said as he watched her inquisitively.

“Your honor. How long have you had that head ache?.” Miranda asked.

“A few days. “ He said shrugging.

“Can you tell me the severity of it.” She asked.

“It’s very severe, it hurts so bad.” He confessed.

“May I.” She asked. Reaching out to him. Miranda felt his head for a fever and she looked at the vein that was presented on his fore head.

“How long has the vein been bulging out…. I noticed it when you first walked in.” She asked still examining his head.

“It came a day after the head ache started.” He told her.

“Okay any pain or tenderness near the jaw, mouth or temples. Are you sweating and or loss of appetite.” She asked.

“I have tenderness is my jaw. When I go to eat it hurts sometimes to open.

“Your honor. I want you to go to Seattle Grace for a consult with my colleague Doctor Shepherd. We can order you a head ct. But I’m positive you have Temporal arteritis.” Miranda said looking him in the eyes.

“What is that.” He questioned.

“Inflamed Temporal Artery which is a blood vessel but it’s around or in your scalp.”
She watched as the fear came over his face.

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