Part One: Meeting The Gang

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As I walk through the doors of my new school, I began wondering what school here would be like, being the youngest again and in a new environment. I also thought about the new friends I could make and the lessons I'm gonna have. I began thinking how I could fly through comp easily, do well in my classes and spend time with my friends. What I didn't expect was the way my life was going to change with the drama that was sure to follow.


I was walking through the corridor on my way to get some food, it was break and I was starving I hadn't ate breakfast that morning. I had breezed through my first two lessons, and as I was walking to the cafeteria I was stuck in her own world thinking about the all the homework I had considering its only the first day.

When all of a sudden *BANG!* Some boy who had been running to get to the cafeteria crashed into me.

Once he'd seen what had happened he turned around and helped me up.

"Sorry" he said

"It's fine" I replied a little annoyed My bag and books were now on the floor.

"Here let me help you" The boy tried to help

"No Its fine I got it" I replied

"You sure?"

"Positive" I muttered

"Okay well I'm James Evans. What's your name?" He asked me

"I'm Annabella Lewis. Pleasure to meet you" I replied kindly sticking my hand out.

"Pleasure to meet you too" He replied happily "Anyway I better get going. I'll see you in class"

As he ran off I realised where i recognised him from he's the boy who sat at the back of her classes with another girl.

After that I went and got myself bagel with a smile on my face, at the fact I may have gotten a new friend. It was when I was looking for somewhere to sit and eat my bagel I realised all the tables were full, but lucky for me a girl around my age began waving me over she was sat with another girl around our age too.

"Hi I'm Hope smith and this is Hollie Bush" The girl who waved me over introduced

"Hi" Hollie said

"Hi I'm Annabella Lewis, but everyone calls me Bella." I introduced myself

"Well hi Bella why don't you come sit with us?, you seem a little lost" Hope asked

"Sure thank you"

"I hope" She winked "you don't mind but we have another friend coming over to sit with us" Hope said

"No of course not, more friends I guess" Bella Laughed, Hollie and Hope soon joining in

"Hey Guys." Someone asked as they came over

I turn around ready to introduce myself when I saw a familiar face



Was said at the same time

"Wait you too know each other?" Hollie asked

"Yea he knocked me over in the hall" I Stated

"I said sorry!" James said quickly

"Okay, calm down mate" Hope said sarcastically with a flip of her dark blonde hair.

"Anyway guys this is my brother Mason" James stated with a shake of his head.

"Hey!" Mason said like he didn't give a care in the world

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