Chapter 9: Epiphany

Start from the beginning

She tightly shut her eyes, feeling the warmth of her tears on her skin before she quickly wiped them away. "I don't know," she whispered. Another lie. She avoided his gaze while he let out a sigh, leaning back into the cushions as his worried gaze rested on his friend.

You know, you don't have to constantly build these damn walls and shut people out," he said, silently watching as she let the words sink in. The quiet was fleeting before his deep voice resonated through the room again. "I just don't understand why you're running from him, why you keep trying to deny the fact that he's someone you care deeply about, and not just as a friend. Jungkook would do anything for you. Can't you see that?"

She thought about Jungkook's confession. She thought about how he promised to do his best, how he promised to figure things out and work around his hectic lifestyle if she would just give him a chance to prove it.

She thought about every moment she spent with Jungkook, and how he always managed to make her smile, even on her bad days. She thought about how he was always willing to try new things with her, and how he was always eager to teach her something new too. She couldn't deny the passion either, and as she reflected on everything, all the little details and things that she failed to notice sooner hit her all at once, her eyes widening as the realization settled in.

Fuck," she whispered, a small tear streaming down her cheek as she stared at Namjoon. He gave her a reassuring smile and an encouraging nod while she gulped, trying to process everything. "I really like him Joon,' she finally admitted.

Namjoon stood up, striding towards her before opening his arms, offering her a hug as she quickly got up from the armchair to accept the comforting gesture. She sniffled as fresh tears streamed down her face, holding onto Namjoon a bit tighter as she buried her head in his chest. But I've already fucked everything up...

"What the hell am I supposed to do now?" she asked, letting out a small sigh as he gently patted her head in comfort.

"Just talk to him," he suggested. "Tell him how you feel. No more running Jordan."


It had been almost a week since Jordan's talk with Namjoon, and she still had yet to talk to Jungkook. Every time she pulled up his contact on her phone, her finger hovered over the call button before her courage diminished, setting the phone down with a forlorn sigh.

The closest she ever got to actually communicating with him was a pathetic effort, a meager Hey sent cowardly through a text message three days ago, a choice that she regretted as soon as she pressed send. He didn't even bother to respond, why would he? But the small print underneath her message let her know that he had at least read it.

Now she nervously stood in front of their dorm, terrified of knocking on the door. The only reason why she was even here in the first place was because of Namjoon, he was back in town and wanted to spend some time with her before flying to Osaka for their next scheduled event. He was the one who insisted on the two of them checking out a new art exhibit, an attempt to get Jordan out of the house, and asked her to meet him at his place so they could ride together.

She took a deep breath before finally knocking. She could hear her heartbeat drowning out any other noises around her as she waited, hoping that Namjoon would be the one to open the door. She didn't even know she had been holding her breath until she let out a small exhale as she saw her friend behind the door, a dimpled smile on his face as he invited her in.

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