"What the fuck are you talking about?" Peter asked harsh. "I did nothing!"

"Yeah, of course you didn't!" Zayn said sarcastically. "You didn't send that envelope either, did you?"

"I didn't!" Peter yelled. "I did not set a fire at Isabelle's work. I have no idea where was she working actually! I might be mad, and I might want my revenge, but I'm not so crazy to try to kill her! Stop making shit about me!"

To be honest, I had a feeling he wasn't lying. Don't know why, but something deep inside me told me he wasn't the one who did it. He was looking at Zayn shocked, his eyes big. Someone's eyes never lie, no matter who that person is, or how crazy it is. And Peter's eyes showed pure shock.

I guess Zayn thought something like that too, because he wasn't saying something, he was just staring at him.

"You're an idiot!" Peter yelled again, shaking his gun in Zayn's face. "The police is looking for me again, for what? For something I didn't do? I didn't go to my flat, I didn't live like a normal person because of you! I hope you know you have to pay now."

I almost yelled when I saw Peter pushing his gun in Zayn's chest, making him take a step back.

"Calm the fuck down dude!" Zayn yelled in his face.

I was looking around desperately, looking for someone. Things escalated quickly, and Peter was now too mad. I knew he was going to do something stupid, I was sure of that.

Don't know how, but right in that moment, we heard the police siren. In less than a minute, police cars surrounded us. I was relieved, honestly. But that didn't last long.

Peter had time to ran past Zayn while we were staring at the police. He grabbed my neck while he was still running, making me yell in shock.

Peter took a step back, pulling me with him, his left arm locked around my neck, while he held his gun at my temple.

Zayn's eyes widened at the view. I knew he felt guilty because he let Peter walk past him so easily, so he was able to grab me.

Officers got out from their cars, all of them resting their elbows on their car doors, their black gun pointing to us. They yelled at Peter, telling him to let me go, but of course, he didn't listen.
I was shaking with fear, on the verge of tears. My eyes never left Zayn, knowing that maybe, this would be the last time I will see him. I saw him trying to take a step closer to us, but this thing only made Peter take a step back, tightening his grip on my neck.

My breath was heavy, my whole body never stoping from its trembling. I was feeling like I was about to fall soon, my knees were too weak to hold me. My vision was blurry from the tears which began to fill my eyes.

Surprisingly, Peter was shaking too. Even if his arm which was around my neck was firm, his hand with the gun was shaking like hell. I could feel his hot breath on my neck, and it did nothing, but send chills of horror down my back.

I can't describe what I was feeling in that moment. I was thinking I was going to die, that my time there was done. I was thinking at Aiden, at how I was going to leave him alone in that mean world. I was thinking at Zayn, at how much I loved him, at how much I complicated his life. I was thinking at the others, at how much I was going to miss them.

"Put the gun down, Peter." Zayn said slowly, raising his hands up a little. "Don't do this, let her go."

Once again, he tried to come closer, but Peter pushed the gun harder on my temple, making Zayn stop. I closed my eyes because of the pain I felt in that moment.

"Take a step closer again, and your girlfriend is dead!" Peter yelled at Zayn. His harsh voice echoed through my ears, making me feel a deep pain inside me.

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