e l e v e n

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It's been almost 12 hours and they still haven't said anything, so Tom asks a nurse

Tom: Excuse me, miss

Nurse: Yes?

Tom: Are you able to tell me anything about how y/n Holland is doing?

Nurse: This says she's still in surgery

Tom: Is a 12-hour surgery normal?

Nurse: It can be, yes. She should be done soon

Tom: Thank you very much, miss

Nurse: Of course, sir

Tom sits back down by Harrison

Harrison: Anything?

Tom: She's still in surgery

Kristen: 12 hours of surgery?

Tom: Apparently...

Harrison: She's okay Tom

Two hours later a doctor comes over to Tom

Doctor: I assume you're Mr. Holland?

Tom: Yeah, that's me

Doctor: Can we talk?

Tom: Yes, of course

He takes Tom to an empty room to explain everything

Tom: Is she okay?

Doctor: Yes, she's okay. The amount of scar tissue we found in her body was what we believe may have caused all of this. May I ask what it's from?

Tom: A bullet, then twins

Doctor: Did you know about the possible rebuild that would happen?

Tom: Yes, we did. I didn't think it was this bad, but I knew it was a possibility

Doctor: So, we did do the rebuild surgery. When we looked at the scans and saw all the scar tissue, we had to remove all of that

Tom: And was the rebuild successful?

Doctor: Yes, we only had to do a slight rebuild after all the scar tissue was removed thankfully

Tom: Thank you so much for everything

Doctor: And she's going to be really sore and in pain for a while. So, no work and minimal walking for a while

Tom: Sounds good. Can I see her?

Doctor: Yes, she's in room 208

Tom: Great, thank you

Tom gets out of the room and grabs Kristen and Harrison. They walk back to your room and sit around you

Harrison: So?

Tom: She'll be okay

Kristen: What happened?

Tom: There was a ton of scar tissue. A lot more than what she was telling us...

Harrison: Why would she lie?

Kristen: She doesn't want us to worry

Tom: But she wouldn't even tell me. In fact, she wouldn't even let me go to the appointments

Kristen: She didn't?

Tom: No, she made sure to make her appointments when I was at work

Harrison: Wow

Kristen: Did the doctor say when she'd be up?

Tom: No. Why don't you guys head home, and get some sleep

Kristen: Sure. Why don't you try to sleep for at least a few minutes?

Harrison: You know he won't

Kristen: I had to put it out there

Tom: Take care of our babies while we're here

Kristen: I've got this, don't worry

Tom: Thank you...

They leave and Tom sits next to you and grabs your hand while starting to cry

Tom: Shortie, I miss you. I know you're right here, but I miss you. I wish I didn't leave early, so I could've helped you. Please open your eyes, please come back to me and the twins. I need you in my life, I can't do it on my own without you. Please open your eyes...I love you so much y/n

Tom holds your hand all night and doesn't sleep. It's been a few days of you lying unconscious and Tom just sitting there next to you. Kristen, Harrison, and Nikki are taking care of the kids until you wake up. One afternoon while Tom's holding your hand, you start to squeeze back

Your POV

Tom: y/n?

You: T-Tom?

Tom: Hey shortie, I'm here

You: Where's here?

Tom: The hospital

You: I'm so sorry...

Tom: Please don't apologize. You're okay that's what's important

You: But I lied to all of you about this...

Tom: ...I know, and it's okay

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