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The kids get ready for school and Kristen takes them, then heads to work. Harrison dropped Tom off early because he had to go over stuff with Robert before he went to work. While you're getting ready to leave, you are in the bathroom and you get a sharp pain and pass out

Tom's POV

He calls Kristen

Kristen: Hey

Tom: Have you heard from y/n? I've called her a million times and she's not answering

Kristen: No, I haven't. I was on school duty, so I left before you

Tom: Alright, thank you

He calls Harrison

Harrison: Hey, what's up?

Tom: Please tell me you've heard from y/n

Harrison: I'm sorry, I haven't

Tom: Oh my god...

Harrison: Tom? What's going on?

Tom: I don't know where she is! I have to go

He hangs up and runs off the set. He races home and calls out for you, looking in every room till he finds you still passed out in the bathroom

Tom: Y/N!

He tries to wake you up, but nothing's working. He gets you in the car and drives you to the hospital

Tom: Please help!

Nurse: What happened?

Tom: I'm not sure, I just found her

Nurse: Any medical issues?

Tom: We've been watching her reproductive system

Nurse: What's wrong?

Tom: She was shot 11 years ago. It left a ton of scar tissue. Then we had twins and made it worse

Nurse: That might be it. The nurse turns around and yells We need to take her to surgery! Then the nurse turns back around Please wait upstairs in the waiting room

Tom: Of course, thank you

Tom heads upstairs and calls his mom

Nikki: Tom?

Tom: Hey mom...

Nikki: Are you okay?

Tom: No, I'm not okay. Can you please be at the house when the kids come home?

Nikki: Of course, but what happened?

He starts to cry

Tom: I still don't know. I just found her on the bathroom floor...

Nikki: Tom...who was on the bathroom floor

Tom: y/n...

Nikki: I'll take care of the twins. You worry about y/n. Make sure you call Kristen and Harrison

Tom: I will. Love you, mom

Nikki: Love you too

He hangs up and calls Kristen...still crying

Kristen: Did you find her?!

Tom: Yeah...

Kristen: Tom...where did you find her?

Tom: Passed out on the bathroom floor...

Kristen: I'm on my way, call Harrison, I'll tell his parents to get the kids

She hangs up and he calls Harrison

Harrison: She okay?

Tom: I don't know...

Harrison: Where are you?

Tom: Hospital...

Harrison: I'm on my way

Tom: Kristen's sending your parents for the kids, and my mom is also going to the house

Harrison: Great. See you soon

It's been almost 4 hours and they haven't heard anything about you

Kristen: Is it because of the bullet?

Tom: I believe so, but I don't know

Kristen: I'm going to call the kids. Tom, you should call yours

Tom: But she didn't want them to know...

Harrison: They need to know why you're not there. I'll come and get you if they come out

Tom walks outside and facetimes his mom

Nikki: Hey

Tom: Can I talk to the twins?

Nikki: Yeah, I'll get them

Ryker: Dad!

Tom: Hey bubs

Haylee: Hi dad

Tom: Hey bubba

Ryker: Where are you guys?

Tom: We're at the hospital

Haylee: What happened?

Tom: We don't know yet. Mom's still with the doctor

Ryker: Is she going to be okay?

Tom: Yes, she'll be okay. You two need to go to bed

The twins: Night!

Tom ends the call and heads inside

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