"No! It'll be his words against him as the prosecution does have evidence", Bella looked towards the prosecutor while he stood up.

"Permission to present additional evidence, your honour", A slight smirk adorned the prosecutor's face as the judge granted permission.

"These are recordings of a conversation between the accused and the witness when she was kidnapped your honour"

"I had fun last night, igniting a wonderful memory of your past but your time is now up. You have your father to thank for that. The stupid fucker once again made the wrong damn choice."

"Fuck off Hawthorn!"

"Objection your honour!", Hawthorn's lawyer shot up.

"Objection denied!", the judge shot the lawyer back down to his seat like a sulking child

"I see you're still a stupid child, who doesn't know when to shut up. I thought you learned your lesson when your sister died thanks to your idiotic bravery"

"I-I did to this her?"

"Still not well, are you? I checked your psychological reports and it doesn't fail to amaze me in how much I've impacted your life"

"Rot in hell you fucking bastard!"


"You're a fucking coward and will always be a fucking coward! Hitting girls and murdering them, could you get anymore pathetic? You'll never be the Mayor you fucking dimwit!"

"Are you going to kill me like you did my sister? And then pin it on a driver like the coward you are?"

"I will kill you as I please! And as for a driver, I need not go to such lengths this time, considering you killed yourself in a car crash that had nothing to do with me"

"You think my father is going to lay still after you've murdered his daughters?"

"Your father is a fool! He thinks he can save you himself without having to give up his position"

"You wont get away with this Hawthorn!"

"Oh but I already have. Be a dear and say hello to your sister for me"

When the recording ended playing, my blood boiled in anger for the asshole that hurt my Bella, making me want to strangle him. But I managed to remain in my seat satisfied as the faces of the Jury and the judge scrunched at disgust for Hawthorn while Hawthorn himself had widened eyes before they decided to narrow in Bella's direction. I readied myself to get up and protect Bella in case the fucker tries something but thankfully the police intervened and held him, sensing his internal rage.

"Wow", was all Damien said while I noticed from my peripheral vision, the mayor tearing up.

"You fucking bitch!", Hawthorn seethed as the judge hit his gavel and yelled 'silence'

"Yes! You tell him judge, the only person who can call that fucking bitch a fucking bitch is me", Damien whisper yelled making me roll my eyes.

"Your honour I have questions regarding these recordings of the prosecution", Hawthorn's fucking lawyer doesn't know when to give up.

"State them", the judge gruffly replied.

"If she was kidnapped your honour, how did she manage to record a so called 'conversation' between my client, 'the presumed kidnapper and herself? She has fabricated evidence your honour!"

"Your honour, I knew I wasn't safe when my dad received a threat to my life", the prosecution presented a letter to the judge at Bella's words as she continued, "So I took precautions and wore a recorder with a built-in tracker wherever I went"

Hawthorn's lawyer was at a loss for words as the prosecutor spoke up in his stead,
"We rest our case your honour"

Helping Bella off the witness box, he directed her to sit at the prosecution's table while Hawthorn glared daggers and squirmed against the policemen holding him.

"I believe that wraps up the facts of the case. The prosecutor and the lawyer in this case has collected evidence, examined the witnesses and will now put it to you, the jury to decide the fate of the accused. Mr Hawthorn can you please take the stand to hear your verdict?", The judge spoke with a blank expression as Hawthorn was forcibly placed in the stand by the officers.

Bella had a pleading look on her face as she picked at her fingernails in anxiety over his verdict.

"Jury, I now ask you to focus. I will give you ten minutes to discuss the verdict with other jury members and then I will ask you to vote. You may leave the courtroom to discuss in the jury room if necessary", The judge sat back on his seat as the jury started mumbling and exchanging words among themselves.

After the tense and slow minute passed, the bailiff collected a paper from the jury and placed it infront of the judge.

After examining the paper, the judge spoke,
"The jury has come to unanimous decision, and taking it into consideration with all the evidence and defences presented, I hereby declare Sinister Hawthorn guilty of first degree murder, attempted murder and assault. As per the prosecution's request, he is to be sentenced to a life in prison with no bail or parole immediately. I would also like to apologise to the victims family in convincting the wrong man three years ago. Court dismissed", Bella's sobs rang through the courtroom as she broke down in happy tears.

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