Cold Chinese food

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"Turn left on Eleksnret." Natasha mumbled against his ear sending a shiver down his

"You know, I have no idea what street that is, all the signs are in Russian." Steve half joked.

"Left on the one that starts with a backwards E." She corrected herself tightening her arms around his stomach.

Just having her arms around him after the two months they where apart made his stomach flutter. He loved her, and she knew it. She loved him, and he knew it. He just needed to realize that being with Natasha wouldn't cause another disaster like him going in the ice. She just needed to realize that Steve didn't care about her past and he loved her unconditionally.

After Natasha described a few more confusing foreign street names for Steve she turned her head and what she noticed made her heart jump. She saw a girl looking out a apartment window.

"Steve Down!" Natasha yelled as she pushed him forward and a shot rang out. The bullet had pierced her shoulder.

"Natasha! Natasha are you Okay?" Steve worriedly asked as the motorcycle slowed. He wasn't sure what he would do without her. She kept him together. He truly loved her and had no idea what he would do without her. Even though she had only been shot as she had a hundred times before he was petrified at the thought of losing her.

"Don't slow down! I'm going to be fine but you better hurry up before you get shot too!" Natasha exclaimed as she tightened her right arm around him and cursed in Russian.

They turned down three more streets losing the girl in the window almost instantly. They parked in a ally way about a block away from the apartment. As they walked down the street Steve applied pressure to the wound trying to slow the bleeding.

"We'll go in the back way to avoid the lobby guests."

"Okay. Just try not to get shot again." Steve responded wearily, sore from the fight with the 12 year old.

"Apartment 13.Farthest on the left." She reminded him as they waited for the elevator to stop.

Natasha quickly knocked on he door and a older looking man answered it. As soon as he saw the bullet hole in Natasha's shoulder he face shifted from concern to anger. Thinking Steve was the man who shot her and came to taunt him about it he pulled a gun pointing it at Steve's head.

"эй, эй, эй, опусти пистолет! Алексей, это мой друг Стив, он здесь, чтобы помочь нам. По дороге сюда меня застрелила одна из девушек."

(hey Hey HEY put the gun down. Alexei this is my friend Steve, he is here to help us. I got shot on the way here by one of the girls)

Natasha quickly explained yet Alexei hesitated to put is gun down as he steped inside to let them in.

"Natasha you're late." They heard Yelena yell from the other room and she walked in. "Natasha you're shot."

"Thanks, I didn't notice." She said sarcastically as another woman walked in the room. And said something in Russian.

"Huh?" Steve said as she repeated herself.

"He doesn't speak Russian." Natasha told her.

"Yelena you could have at least told me he didn't speak Russian." She scolded her sister as she guided them into the living room as Yelena came back with a first aid kit.

"Mom, this is Steve. Steve this is Melina Vostokoff, the man you just met is Alexei Shostakov, and you've already met Yelena Belova." Natasha explained as Melina prepared to remove the bullet.

All for a girl named RoseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon