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• Leigh •

"Babe, are you ready to go to the doctors office?" I call up the stairs to my loving, sweet boyfriend, Jack, while rubbing my 6 month baby bump.
"Ya. Hold up." He calls back down to me.
I wait there for at least five minutes before he finally walks down the stairs. I giggle as he adorable jumps off the last few steps and lands in front of me, kissing my lips. I smile. It was a short kiss but it was still a good kiss, there's no denying that. 😍
"Okay. Let's go." He says, happily grabbing my hand.
"C'mon baby." I say pulling him towards the front door of our house that we share.
We head out to his Jeep and get in, heading towards the doctors office. When we get there, we have to wait a few minutes and then we're called back. "Miss Lindquist?"
I stand up, Jack following behind me, as we follow the nurse back to the examining rooms. "So, are you guys excited? You get to find out the gender of your baby today!"
I haven't told Jack yet, but I want to be surprised when we have our little baby. I don't want to know yet what their gender is gonna be. I'm not sure Jack feels about this idea but.... I'm sure he'll understand. Right?
The nurse does the monthly routine of rubbing the cold blue gel on my stomach, then rubbing the thing that looks like a price scanner around on my stomach. I hear a heartbeat.
A couple happy tears flow down my cheeks, and Jack brushes them away. Then our baby appears on the screen. The baby honestly looks like a little alien peanut inside me.
"Oh my god Jack." I say in shock.
"We created that." He says, finishing my sentence.
"Would you guys like to know the gender of your child?" The nurse asks.
I look at Jack.
"Do you want to, Le?" He asks me.
"Sure." I tell Jack.
"Yes, please." Jack says eagerly. He's so excited about this unborn child of ours. He's so happy to be a father and love this child unconditionally.
The nurse moves the price scanner thing 😂 around on my stomach, moving to the right place so we can see the child inside me better.
She moves it one last time, then smiles. "Congrats. You're having a baby girl."
On the screen, our baby girl looks all peaceful and cute and innocent. She's so tiny and beautiful and I can't wait to meet.
I can't wait for Jack to meet his little baby girl. ☺️
"She's gonna be my little princess." Jack smiles, a few tears in his eyes.
"I thought I was your princess?" I joke.
"You are. You're both Gilinsky's princesses.... Or wait better yet, you're my queen and that unborn daughter of ours is my little princess." He leans over and kisses my lips for a moment. "I love you."
"I love you too." I reply after we've pulled apart.
I love him so much it hurts.

A/N this chapters cute. Soooo I'm trying to win a contest right now on twitter to win Skates hoodie and im super nervous lol anyways. I love you all.

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-Shelby Lynn Jolinsky Wilkaloley 🙈💕

P.S. We got a snowstorm/ blizzard last night and It canceled church and work for me today. Thank god! Lol 😍

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