Rumor Trouble

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The school day went by when the students and teachers heard an alarm—and that meant a fire drill. All the students lined up and calmly exited the building. Amber and Hildegard were together when they cross paths with Sofia's class. Once everyone was outside, Clio met up with Hildegard and Amber. As Sofia and Hugo were talking, Amber and Hildegard found it hard to believe that Hugo was getting emancipated—and they were hoping Sofia wasn't talking about it with him.

"Amber, Hildy, are you okay?" Clio asked. Then she saw that Amber and Hildegard were looking toward Sofia and Hugo. "Ugh, what are you thinking about doing to Sofia and Hugo this time?"

"We're not really thinking of doing anything to them, Clio," Amber said.

"No, we're only thinking about Prince Hugo's emancipation," Hildegard said. But then she realized what she just said.

"Emancipation?" Clio gasped.

"Not so loud—Sofia said not to tell anyone about it," Amber whispered.

"Why is Hugo getting emancipated?" Clio asked.

"We don't know," Hildegard replied. "We found out about it when we saw that he was reading a book about emancipation."

"Sofia considered talking to him, and we wouldn't let her, so that's why she told us not to tell anyone," Amber said.

"And you just did," Clio frowned. "It would've made sense if Sofia did talk to Hugo."

"But he doesn't want to talk about it," Amber insisted.

"Okay, I won't tell anyone about it," Clio promised. "Now you just have to worry about Sofia's reaction to learning that you told someone when you weren't supposed to."

"You're our best friend, Clio," Hildegard said. "I'm sure Sofia will understand."

But later, after school, Sofia learned that Amber and Hildegard told Clio about Hugo's emancipation, and her reaction wasn't what they were expecting.

"I don't understand," Sofia glared. "I told you not to tell anyone about this, Amber and Hildegard—and that includes Clio. What were you thinking?"

"We're sorry, Sofia," Amber apologized. "It was a total accident. Clio thought we were trying to do something to you and Hugo, and it slipped out."

"The real accident is jumping to conclusions in the first place," Sofia glared.

"Oh, so only a few of us are aware of Prince Hugo's emancipation—what could go wrong?" Hildegard asked.

But Hildegard said that loud enough for Princess Zooey to hear, and she was shocked.

Soon enough, Hugo made it home with his older brother, Axel.

"Hey, boys, how was school?" King Garrick smiled.

"Great, Dad," the two brothers chorused.

"Anything important to do?" Queen Samira asked.

"I have to do an essay for school that's due next week," Hugo replied.

"Okay, champ, we'll let you do that," Garrick smiled.

"Thanks," Hugo smiled back.

That night, at Enchancia Castle, Sofia saw a picture of herself with Hugo on the evening of their first Enchanted Ice-Dancing recital—the day Hugo and his father had officially started having a better relationship. She didn't understand why her best friend would get emancipated from his parents when he and his father started having a great relationship not very long ago.

Sofia the First: Conclusion CatastropheWhere stories live. Discover now