A mother's comfort

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(Okay so quick thing One the picture above is mine I was listening to Asknikko's 'Drunk with my friends' and decided to make it I made it using Ibs.x paint. Secondly Keith's mother Krolia instead of going back to the blade she decided she should stay with Keith on account of he is a kit and him finding out he's galra and then being around them his galran instincts have 'awoken' in a way so as the days progress he's started acting more like a kit his age okay thats all on to the story) 

A loud yelp was hear from the training room, Krolia quickly knew it was her kit she rushed to the sound and quickly saw the sean (I know damn well that ain't how you spell it but I f'ing lazy to look it up so we finna roll with it) she saw lance laughing so hard he was crying and her kit on the floor with a fussy and annoyed look on his face along with a singular tear rolling down his face "did that sound just actually come out of you" lance said in between his fits of laughter a Allura, shiro (why did it just auto correct me to shirt 😂😂) and, Hunk were watching from the side lines a low growl was heard from Krolia Allura seemingly the only one heard it looked up and mumbled "oh lance your ink trouble now" shiro and hunk hear this and look at her then Krolia who looked to be forcing her self to hult (lord help me how tf do you spell that) but oh if looks could kill...lance would be dead as a goddamn door nail "what do mean by that" asked Hunk "Galran mothers are incredibly taratorial of their kits any moment now she could pounce on lance even the most docile of galrans are violent when you come between them and their kit" a loud shriek was hear the other paladins heads lurched up at the noise what they said made them all chuckle and coo at sean that lays before them, lance was on the ground with Krolia atop of him siting on his back and kitten like licking the tears off of Keith's face muttering and whispering sweet comforts and nothings to Keith she then stood up grabbing Keith in her arms as she did so giving one last hiss to lance and kissing her kit on his head she then walked out of the room with Keith in her arms lance was still on the floor with and embarrassed look upon his face "well you did have it coming" Allura stated lance huffed and got up only to slip and fall glaring at the floor as he hear the shushed laughter he got up one finale time and walked out of the room.

So howed it do hope you liked it have a wonderful rest of you day our night (even tho 2020 sucks ass) vote if want bye bitches and uh oh right word count 509

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