Chapter 21

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Jake's POV

  As I waited for the doctor to come in and talk to me about how Henry and his condition all I could do was think about how bad he is. No one was telling me anything and I'm getting pissed.

I waited for about ten minutes when I heard the door open and saw the doctor walk in with a cane. I stood up instantly wanting an answer.

"Hello Mr. Hart my name is Dr. Gregory House and I am your sons Doctor. Sorry to keep you waiting I had some business." Said Dr. House heading to sit down after shaking my hand.

  "No problem Dr. House. I just really want to know what happened to my son." I said sitting and messing with my thumb.

"Well we did a full exam on him and we found he his pshycially healthy. But there is some problems. And I don't know if you would like to wait for your wife or would you like for me to tell you now?" Dr. House said.

"Please tell me now... What happened to my son." I said now getting nervous.

"Mr. Hart we did a rape kit on Henry and we found that his anal cavity is scarred." Dr. House said not really showing any emotions.

"Wh... What does that mean?" I said tears welling up hoping that it's not what I'm thinking.

"It... Seems that Henry was rapped." Dr. House said and my breath hitched.

"How... How long ago?" I asked with tears now streaming down my face looking at Dr. House.

"The scars seem to be old, but from what we can tell he recently had intercourse from the way his rectum is swollen." Dr. House said.

"You mean he was rapped recently." I said still crying.

"We don't know. But there is another problem." Dr. House said still looking blank face at me.

"What is it?" I asked scared.

"Henry's having problems waking up from the surgery. It happens a lot with patients that went through a traumatic experience. It's the brains way of protecting itself. But if he doesn't wake up in the next five days we will have to put him on life support." Dr. House said with a glint of sadness in his eyes.

"When... when do you think he will wake up?" I asked.

I was still looking at Dr. House when he looked at his desk looking like he's thinking. After about a minute Dr. House looked back up at me.

"I think it's time to bring in Dr. Lector for this." Said Dr. House getting up with his cane and walking to the door.


Rays POV

I found out about 20 minutes ago that Jake was here and talking to the Doctor. I have to talk to Dr. Lector about my relationship with Henry and I don't want too.

I mean they already know my identity and my superhero identity so I don't care about that, but telling how I know Henry is gonna be difficult.

It does look suspicious on how I'm still here after we got him back I understand. I still don't want to tell.

Henry still isn't awake and I can tell it's starting to worry the doctor and nurses. Dr. House said it happens with a lot of patients who went through traumatic experiences and that the brain is trying to protect itself, but I feel like it is doing more damage than anything.

After about twenty more minutes the door opened and I saw Jake.


Jake's POV

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