Chapter 7-Christmas

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y/n pov

Hermione practically had to drag me out of bed the next morning. It was Christmas and I promised I'd be up early. "Come open your gifts! Hurry, everyone is already eating breakfast." I whined but forced myself up. When I stepped into the bathroom, the first thing I noticed was my face in the mirror. My eyes were crusty from yesterday's makeup, which I still hadn't taken off. I mean, it's not like I was the only one. Everyone was exhausted from the ball, Lavender didn't even care to take her dress or shoes off. I washed my face and got ready for the day. There weren't any classes because obviously, it was Christmas. I put on a pair of brown plaid pants and a beige turtleneck sweater (if you wouldn't wear something like that, you can imagine your own outfit).

 I left the bathroom and found Hermione waiting on her bed reading a book. She looked up and shook her head,"Finally! Open your presents." I walked over to the small pile of gifts near the foot of my bed. First, I opened the gifts from my parents. My mother had sent me two soft sweaters, one was from my aunt. My father sent me a parcel of all sorts of sweets-chocolate frogs, Fizzing Whizzbees, Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans,and even Cauldron Cakes. He knew I had a sweet tooth.

I then began opening the gifts from everyone else. Ron and Harry both bought me candles, and Hermione got me a few books. "Thank you so much, Hermione!" I smiled while skimming through them,"I'll definitely get to reading them sometime." There was one gift left. For some reason, a part of me was hoping it was Neville. I was a bit disappointed to find it was from Ginny. Unwrapping it, I found a soft (favorite color) blanket. Hermione must have seen my upset face and asked if I didn't like the gift. "Oh, no, no! I love it! It's just...nevermind." But hiding things from her is practically impossible. "Is this about Neville?" I stayed quiet. How is it she knows everything? Perhaps I was making it a bit obvious. "Yeah." She nodded,"Let's just head downstairs then, alright?" I sighed and put on a pair of black boots before going out. He could've just forgotten to get any gifts for anyone with all the yule ball business earlier. Yule Ball...last night was fun. My adrenaline was so high that I just kissed him right there. Well, not on the lips, but still. That was great. I wonder when my next chance for something like that will be. I was completely lost in thought while eating breakfast, I didn't even hear what Hermione was telling me until she tapped my shoulder. "My goodness, what?" I asked. She pointed behind me-Neville was walking to our side of the table with a box in his hand. I quickly sat upright and fixed my hair. "Hi guys." he beamed, his crooked teeth showing. He's so cute when he does that. "I um, I have something for you, y/n." I felt Hermione nudge me. "Oh, really? What is it?" I inquired. He opened the box and pulled out two matching wool scarves. He gave one to me, which had the first letter of my name on the end. He wore the other one himself. "Gran made them. I thought it would be cool if we matched, you know?" I was delighted. He told his grandmother about me?  I must've been staring, becuase his cheeks reddened and he said," I mean you don't have to wear it if you don't like it, it was just an idea." I immediately put it around my neck,"Are you kidding?I love it! Thank you so much Neville." He looked pleased with himself and nodded, walking back to his side of the table.

Most students decided to go to Hogsmeade for the day, including Ron, Harry, Ginny, Neville, Dean, and Seamus. Hermione didn't want to come. I found her crying the night before because of Ron, who had spoiled everything for her. She was likely keeping her distance from him. I, of course, tagged along. We split into groups-Ron, Harry, Dean, and Seamus were together, while Neville, Ginny, and I formed one. Neville and I were wearing our matching scarves, which he seemed so proud of. It was honestly adorable, the way he'd light up whenever someone complimented us. Obviously, many people confused us as a couple, which always made him turn red.

We all prearranged to meet at the Three Broomsticks. Dean, Seamus, Harry, and Ron were already there when we entered, sipping on butterbeer. "I'll have the same as them," I told Madam Rosmereta when she came to take our order. Neville and Ginny did so too.

"So what did you guys do?" Harry asked. "I bet they snogged while Ginny was forced to watch," Ron joked. They all snickered when clearly Ginny, Neville, and I were not laughing. "To answer your question Harry," I began, ignoring what Ron said. Neville and I were both blushing from embarrassment. "We went to Dogweed and Deathcap, Honeydukes, and Zonko's..I wouldn't be laughing if I were you, Ron. I saw your brother snogging Angelina Johnson the other day." He stopped giggling and asked which one. "You tell me." I answered. Obviously, he stopped.

Just as we were about to leave the pub, Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle began picking on us. "Enjoying yourself, Potter?" he sneered,"Didn't you get rejected by Chang the other day?" Crabbe and Goyle began laughing as if on cue. Harry scoffed,"And who were you with? Pug-faced Pansy?" Draco curled his lip and noticed Ron and Ginny giggling. "I couldn't believe they even let you two into the ball with the way you were dressed. I'm guessing mummy made them for you?" Ron looked as if he was about to break into a fight. Ginny had her hand over the pocket where her wand was. "And you, Longbottom-actually tried to dress up yesterday? Too bad you can't cover up your weight or teeth." I stepped in front of him,"You trying to have a go, Malfoy? You're outnumbered, you know." He laughed,"Ooh, has Longbottom found himself a girlfriend? Even she's more of a man than he'll ever be." I quickly glanced over at Neville. He was clearly upset. I turned around and pointed my wand at him,"You're asking for it." He wasn't fazed at all. In fact, he was smiling at something behind me. I turned around and faced Professor Mcgonnagal. "Is there a problem here, miss y/l/n?" I shook my head abruptly. That filthy little worm. I'll make him pay for that one.

a/n- next chapter is a little more upsetting, so grab some tissues ( ̄▽ ̄)"

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