Characters (not mine mostly)

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Characters (only mine rest of characters belong to Rain):  Hope/Iris: A brave and strong Felina almost no one knows her real name is Hope traumatizing backstory has scared her and now she is rather anxious and twitchy, still when someone is in danger she never hesitates to help. Stella's adopted sister.

 Hair color: light brown, sections and tips change color on occasion

Eye Color:  Oliveish hazel (confusing ik), changes color depending on emotion

Leaf: A kind and loyal Human, seeks to aid others physically or emotionally, very trusting as long as there is good enough reason to.

Hair color: rather short dark green hair, very messy (usually)

Eye Color: Royal Blue

DISCLAIMER!!! THE PROLOUGE TAKES PLACE HIDDEN IN THE MYSTIC FOREST DEEPER THAN ANY DARE TO GO!!! (except for these brave ppl) yes far past the Coven village near the edge of the forest. Also this is kind of a SoW Fractures crossover. Anyway on with the story!

Sorry this is short for the beginning of my first book :/ I will post the next chapter as soon as it is finished! P.S. I may add more to this page ;)

-Sincerely Hope

ON HOLD (most likely for a long time) Lost trails: book 1, Fallen KingdomWhere stories live. Discover now