Trained fight

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Kaz had to wait for the Sargent to tell him where he was going he knew what would be coming up next wouldn't be easy and he would have to deal with challenges but he was ready Kaz waited a few hours before the Sargent walked in but he was covered in goo Kaz looked at him a bit worried as he looked at him

Sargent: right now your next post is going to be in outpost quadra edgile now this will be your outpost till you complete your learnings now in this outpost everything runs like a well-oiled machine so if you mess up there you will be kicked out you won't be able to make contact with anyone outside the base ok

Kaz nodded and looked out listening to him go on and on about all the things he's not meant to do he noted this down and waited but he said Kaz needed to wait a few years before he could head there, Kaz looked at him so he would continue the basic stuff a few years passed and he was told to train with this other girl also in his shoes as she was young and had to train like him as there advancing in the subjects they gave them Kaz liked her she liked him they started to talk outside of training

Kaz: hey I'm Kazsava and you are Paron: I'm Paron I noticed that we're close in training but we're both young for the next stages Kaz: well yes, I mean you're so amazing in your training I mean Paron: heh heh your cute Kaz: um

Paron and Kazsava spent most of there time together getting to know each other he found out she had a brother but he was killed in action protecting the emperor when he was a prince the day before he was crowned emperor as someone killed him she doesn't believe that he was killed in an engine malfunction but that was the only thing she was told even though the two of them were younger they knew that it was a lie as she explained the ship wasn't attacked but Kazsava did really care enough to go into it as it was before both of them were born but the more they talked with each other the more they liked the other it was something different to them but they didn't know what they were having to wait till they were eighteen years of age to be able to go onto the next stages of their learning Kaz was feeling like she would be a good friend to have the two had a bit of fun other times before

Paron: will you bound with me Kaz: um I-I Paron: sorry I shouldn't have asked I'm sorry it's just I like you you're the first person who doesn't care for my body but who I am Kaz: guessing you haven't had many people that didn't judge you by your exterior Paron: no I don't

That night when Kaz went back to his bunk, he thought about what she said about bounding with her it shocked him at first but he spent most of the night thinking about it before he let sleep consume him when he awoke they were getting ready for training Kaz walked out in his combat suit ready for todays training

Sargent: ok today we're going to be learning the tactics of running through a field if you get shot you sit over near the giant x but you will be split in half and pined against each other

Of course Paron and Kaz were pinned against each other they ran through the exercise but once it was him and Paron left he charged at her taking her weapon off her so they went into hand to hand combat he had her hand behind her back before saying

Kaz: yes Paron: what Kaz: I will be bounded with you

After that he let her kick him back giving her time to grab her weapon and shoot him which made her the winner of the exercise Kaz smiled for her as he was happy for her he didn't know why he wanted to be bound with her but he didn't give it a second thought

TOOG: 8 Growing up fastحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن