Miko Manizoto POV

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I glanced over at my clock..... 4:30 A.M. I really couldn't believe it. I'm finally a third year. Time really went by that fast.... Bzzt... Bzzt...
My phone is going off but who could that be from this early in the morning. Momo usually wakes up around 5 but maybe she's excited like I am. I thought it would have been the group chat but it was actually Kisumi.

From: Kisumi
I know your awake and is anxious that it's your first last day of school BUTTT... I wanted to text you and tell you that I really do miss you and how I'm kinda bummed I can't spend your last year of high school with you or walk to school with all our friends like we used to. UGH WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE OLDER THAN ME AND WHY DID I HAVE TO MOVE!!! Anyways I wanna call after school and here how today went! I miss you lots little mermaid. Also don't respond go get ready just remember to call me later.

Kisumi moved towns 5 years ago the summer before my 2ed year of middle school. Every time Kisumi texts me I feel relived and sad at the same time. He promised to text me everyday and update me on everything... But I grew up with him and I can't make memories like how things were when we were younger.

Kisumi again? I grabbed my phone and picked it up to see who it was from

Group Chat:
From: Momo
To: Everyone
Momo~ Good morning are you all excited for your first day of school? Lets all meet up at the coffee shop near school and get something to drink before we head over!

A blended caramel does sound good...
Group Chat:
From: Miko
To: Everyone
Miko~I'm down! Still picking me up at my house Momo?

I don't really know why I bother asking her... She's been picking me up ever since we became friends in Elementary. It was Momo, Kisumi, and I... we would always walk together...
Group Chat:
From: Mokoto, Momo, Sapphirra, Nagisa, Rin, Ikuya, Kisumi, Mizuki
To: Everyone
Mokoto~Haru and I will be there I just need to get him out of hid tub first...
Momo~ Yes I'll be there in 20. Also Koto hurry up and get him out!
Sapphira~ I'll be there a little late so can someone order my usual for me!
Nagisa~ Ouuuu I can get hot coco! COUNT ME IN
Rin~ me too I'll be there
Ikuya~^^ same
Kisumi~ Have a good first day you guys I miss you and love you all!

It's crazy to think after all this time we are all still supper close. I guess it's because we always cheer each other on and since we've always went to the same middle school.
Well I should start getting ready before Momo comes barging into my house and dragging me out. I combed through my hair put on my uniform and my scarf to go with it and headed downstairs.

"Miko I think Momo is outside" my mom said while chopping up some vegetables. "Are you not going to eat breakfast?" She asked me in a worried tone "No. Momo and the rest of the gang is going to stop by the coffee shop on the way to school... We can just eat a really nice dinner and I'll tel you how my day went." And with that I gave her a kiss on the cheek grabbed the last of the muffin I made last night and headed to the door where Momo laid on the other side. "Bye Ma' love you see you when I get home" I said while opening the door. As I faced myself towards Momo I felt a big smile come over my face. "GOOD MORNING MOMO!" She had a confusing facial expression on her face. "Why are you so happy this morning it's only 6:25 heh" she said looking at me with a small grin. I went and shut the door behind me making my way beside her as we started walking. "We are finally third years Momo! I've been wait8ing for this moment ever since we were first years!" I said clasping my hands together "Oh and here! I made muffins last night and we had one left so eat it and tell me what you think" I always bake for my friends because it gives me an excuse too and because they all love it. "MMMM THIS IS A GOOD MUFFIN" she said taking a bite out. "and also YESS FINALLY THIRD YEARS" she said. The two of us danced around in circles taking in the moment.

Momo and I were the only ones in the group who was third years. So we pretty much planned our high school lives out together...

MINI FLASHBACK (First year Momo and Miko)
"Oh and we can go to the festivals" I said writing down on our bucket list. "Oh and you can teach me how to bake some of your best treats..." She said pointing to the paper. "Hey Momo... do you think we will have boyfriends by then?" The two of us looked at each other and broke out laughing "YOU'RE FUNNY MIKO AHAHAHA"

I missed those times... I felt a smile come over my face
"HEY! Miko, Momo! Good morning" It was Makoto and Haru. Those two are close friends and they always walk to school together. "Good morning you two" I said greeting them. "Good morning Miko, Good morning Momo" Haru had a smile on his face. "I see someone finally got out of the bathtub and could join us to get coffee"  All four of us broke out in a laugh and continue to the coffee shop.

Momo had a crush on Haru for as long as I can remember, but she's always she wanted to stay friends so it doesn't ruin their friendship. When we finally arrived at the coffee shop Sapphira and Nagisa arrived as well. "Hey guys" Nagisa greeted the four of us. "Good morning" Sapphira looked dead and half awake. I wonder if she stayed up watching anime again. "Did you not sleep?" I asked her. "No that's not it. Nagisa was banging at my door 5 minutes after we all agreed to get coffee. He forced me to get up and get dressed so I wouldn't be late" Yup she most definitely stayed up watching anime she keeps rubbing her eyes to stay awake. Nagisa and Sapphira got really close during summer practice in middle school and from there became best friends. "So this is your doing" Momo said looking at Nagisa. He responded with a nod. "GOOD JOB SHE'S FINALLY EARLY TO SOMETHING" I let out a laugh. What a mom she is.

"MIZUKI, IKUYA, RIN OVER HERE" Momo called out to them. I looked up to see the three of them walking towards us. Huh that's a little odd it's usually just Mizuki and Ikuya who walks together... whatever "Good morning you three did you three walk here together?" All of us had the same facial expression waiting for an answer. "Well I was only supposed to walk with Ikuya over here since he lives 2 streets down from me. But Flaming hot Cheeto head over here saw me and tagged along" Mizuki said in an irritated tone with her arms crossed. She is such a character... "Were you all waiting long? Sorry if we were late" Ikuya spoke. "You guys weren't late" "Yeah we got here not to long ago too" Nagisa and Sapphira reassured him. Suddenly everyone moved across from Momo and I. "You two are third years now are you excited? Nervous?'" "Sometimes I forget you two are older than us just because we are all so close" "Also it's because you two have no friends your age besides... each other" Makoto, Haru, and Sapphira told the two of us. Both of us looked at each other and bursted out laughing. "Yup we are excited" "Yup we finally get to leave the place I want to jump out of every day" I added onto Momos response.  I usually text the group chat that I want to jump out of the window whenever I feel like giving up in school. "Ahhh the window" all of them claimed. They got it. I started laughing so hard that tears started form in my eyes. Then we headed inside the coffee shop.

I was the last one to order since my order was cold unlike the others. When I grabbed my order and headed back to the group I saw all of them with their best friends. I miss you Kisumi move back home soon so we can go to school together one last time.

When we finally got to school all of us headed toward the board to see who we had homeroom with. As I scanned the third years list I came across both Mormons name and mine. "MOMO! WE HAVE HOME ROOM TOGETHER AGIAN"  I looked at her with a bright smile. I could hear Mizuki finding out she had homeroom with Rin... but Makoto was there to offset the annoyance she would face. It also seemed as Sapphira had Nagisa and Ikuya in her homeroom too. I'm glad they all have each other. Momo and I waved goodbye as we parted ways with the rest of them.

This is it. Our third and final year. Lets make it a good one.

Free FallingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora