I Hope You Die

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Alix's senses were attacked by overly perfumed flowers, as she stepped into the flower shop. Poppies, orchids, violets, bluebells, marigolds, ferns, and tiny trees crowded the room and shelves. She could barely see the bright blue walls of the store, because the vibrant leafy vines crawled up them and entangled with their brethren. She made her way through the shop trying to find a flower that reminded her of Kim. She let out a small grunt, as none of them caught her eye. Why was this so hard? They're just flowers. How difficult is it to pick out flowers?

"Do you need any help, miss?" a tall slender girl with a strong jaw and bright curly red hair that had been pulled back into a tight ponytail asked. Her blue jeans and button-down shirt with a name tag that read, 'Kathrin', were covered in dirt.

"Um, yeah," Alix said, "I'm trying to find some flowers for my boyfriend."

Kathrin's eyes lit up, her smile turned into a wide toothy grin, "Really?"

"Yeah. He's a bit of the romantic type and flowers are romantic. So, I thought I would get him some," Alix said, as she rubbed her arm.

"Would you like to look at some of our bouquet arrangements?" Kathrin asked.

"Thanks. That would be helpful," Alix said, as followed Kathrin to the cash register.

"Here we go," she said, as she plopped a bright blue binder onto the counter, "Go ahead and look through this and tell me when you find something. I'll be over there." She pointed to the other end of the shop, walked away, and started to water some plants.

Alix flipped through pages full of colorful arrangements. Some seemed over the top, or just too underwhelming. There was one arrangement that was fifty roses arranged to look like a heart with something called queen Ann's lace poking through the cracks. She turned the page.

A bright blue flower called wolfbane caught her eye.

"I think I've found one," Alix said.

"Awesome, which one did you choose? Oh," Kathrin said, as she walked over to the counter.

"Is everything okay?" Alix asked with a raised brow.

"Yes, everything's fine. Just are you sure that you want this specific bouquet?" Kathrin asked, as she looped a loose curl through her fingers.

"I'm pretty sure," Alix said. Why was she acting weird?

"Well, I'm just making sure, because we call that specific bouquet, I Hope You Die," Kathrin said.

"What?" Alix asked, her mouth slightly open.

"Yeah, one of the myosotis' many meanings is hope, begonia means beware, and I recommend not touching the wolfbane unless you're wearing gloves," Kathrin said with an awkward grin.

"Wait. Do all flowers have a meaning?" Alix asked, as her voice hit a few high notes.

"They sure do. Some have more than one meaning," Kathrin said, her voice full of energy. Alix bit her lip. This is going to be a lot harder than she thought.

"I can help you find the right kind of flower, if you want," Kathrin said.

"That would be helpful," Alix said.

"So, what would you like to say?" Kathrin asked, as she pulled out another binder and dropped it on the counter.

"What am I able to say?" Alix asked.

"Anything you want really," Kathrin said, "I mean we have a I Hope You Die bouquet. So, anything is possible."

They flip through a variety of flowers. There were so many flowers that represented love. Red chrysanthemums meant, "I love you," gardenia meant secret love, purple lilac meant first love. Though some flowers that she thought would have meant love, didn't. Dark red roses, mourning, a yellow rose meant jealousy, tulips meant fame.

None of the flowers caught her eyes. She was slowly losing hope.

"Hold on," Alix asked, "What about that one." She pointed to a group of flowers. There was a red flower with three thick layers of bright red petals and a ring of bright yellow pistoles in the center. They reminded her of Kim.

"Red zinnias. They mean romance, love, and passion," Kathrin said, as she rested her face in her hands.

"They'll work," Alix said with a smile.

Later that night, Alix made her way to Kim's house with a bouquet of red zinnias, that were held together with a white ribbon.

She had on a pair of dark jeans, a dress sweater with green rings knitted into the collar, that Marinette had made for her birthday. Her short hair was forced into a French braid. She had even put on a shade of lipstick. Though, it was a peach nude color.

The two were supposed to meet each other at a cafe for their date, but she wanted to surprise him. She walked up to his door and knocked. Kim opened the door. He had a ridiculous smile on his face.

"What are you doing here?" Kim asked, as he leaned down and gave her a hug. She kissed his cheek.

"I thought we could head to the cafe together," Alix said with a blush.

"That would be awesome," Kim said, as he grabbed his jacket, "Mom, I'm heading out."

"Okay, just make sure you're home before twelve," his mom called from the back of the house.

"Yes, ma'am," Kim said, as he closed the door.

"Ready?" Alix asked.

"Appositely," Kim said. He wrapped his massive hand around her tiny hand.

"These are for you," Alix said, as she handed him the flowers.

"Thank you," Kim said, as he gave them a sniff and gave her a smile, "They're amazing." 

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