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Apple Seeds

       - mildly poisonous

       - contains amygdalin (a-mig-dal-in)


       - seeds are extremely poisonous

       - Skin can help with deathly infections on the inside

       - know to Two-legs as "Yew Berries"

Holly Berries

       - not as dangerous as "Deathberries" are still a danger to kits

Foxglove Seeds

       - can help the heart

       - can easily cause paralysis and heart failure

       - can be mistaken for poppy seeds


       - twenty berries can kill

       - causes memory loss

       - causes incapability of learning

       - poisonous

White Snakeroot

       - all parts are poisonous

       - causes nausea

       - causes vomiting

Yew (leaves?)

       - can be used to contract poison as a medicine

       - causes vomiting if consumed

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