Ch 7

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"If this thing transports us close to where they are, we might get lost," said GG. "Yes, but if we can not find them we could just kill NB and take the power to transport right to them," said BA. He held the compass up, said find KL and RP, and it transported them to the woods by some houses. " Great, now how do we find them. They could be in any of these houses," said NH. "We will just wait here until sunrise. They will go outside and we follow them and grab them," said MV as he sat down. "Might as well take a nap, we don't want to be tired to fight them," said GG. "Now, we wait," BA said.
KL and RP woke up and wrote a note for GP, thanking him for everything he helped with. They quietly opened the door and shut it and left. "Now how are we supposed to hide with them on our ass," said RP. "I don't know, we might not even win this fight but we have to try," said KL. They were walking when suddenly someone pulled them into an alley. Oh no.

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