Chapter 15

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Mabel woke up, breathing heavily. She looked over to Pacifica and Dipper. Seeing that they were okay, she started to calm herself down. It was still night, so Mabel should've tried to go back to sleep. Instead, she grabbed her phone and got out of bed. Making sure to be quiet, she tip-toed her way over to the door. She opened it carefully, then walked out of the room, closing the door behind her. Turning on the flashlight on her phone, she carefully made her way down the steps. Once she was down the steps, she went into the gift shop. In the gift shop, she eventually found what she was looking for; the vending machine. She tip-toed her way over to it, then punched in the code. The door opened. Taking a deep breath, she went in, closing the vending machine door behind her. Quickly and carefully, Mabel hurried down the basement steps.
As soon as she was down in the basement, she started to look around. Eventually, she found him; Grunkle Ford. She smiled, glad to know that he was back. She saw that he was sleeping, but what she had to tell him was important. Careful not to bump into anything, she walked over to him. Once she was close, she poked him. He didn't wake up. So she kept poking him, at least, until he grabbed her hand, and looked at her. They looked at each other, then Ford let go of her hand.
"I need to talk to you," she told him.
"Can't it wait till morning, Mabel?" He asked. Mabel shook her head.
"It's too important to wait till morning," she explained. Grunkle Ford sighed.
"Very well then, Mabel. Go ahead," he told her. Taking a deep breath, Mabel told him about her nightmare.

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