"How?" Tommy copied.

"I spaced out. I mean, that reference didn't make sense since I wear a bra..plus it's really hot and if we go out there we could have a heat stroke or worse." Annie reasoned with Benny who rolled his eyes.

"See! Everyone agrees! It's to hot Benny man!" Ham said raising his hands in the air.

"Fine! Fine! Fine. Be like that. So what're we gonna do?" He asked.

Annie was about to speak to offer going to the park but all the boys spoke before her.

"SCAM POOL HONEYS!" They said. Annie raised a brow.

"What's that?" Annie asked.

"We're gonna go to the public pool!" Timmy said and Tommy repeated.

"Pool?" Annie wondered. "I didn't know there was a pool. Scotty do you think mom would let us go?" Annie asked her brother who sat next to her.

"I'm positive. It's so hot out. If she doesn't I'll melt." He answered as everyone prepared to go to the pool.

"Let's go!" Bertram yelled.

"I'll see you guys there." Annie said as she grabbed her water getting ready to walk home.

"Where're you going?" Benny asked the girl.

"I'm not a guy. I can't just take my shirt off and jump in a pool. I need a swim suit and I'd rather not get my clothes wet." Annie said.

"You could." Squints said earning a head smack from Scotty.

"That's my sister." He said causing some to laugh.

"We should all go home and change into our swimsuits then." Benny said and everyone agreed before running out of the lot and to their homes. Scotty ran while Annie jogged behind him.

They entered their house and ran to their rooms.

"Annie? Scotty? Why are you in such a rush?" Their moms voice was heard from the laundry room.

"We're going to the pool with the others." Scotty answered as he ran into his room.

"Well don't be long." She answered before saying goodbye and walking back upstairs.

Annie changed into the only swimsuit she had which, sadly, had to be one she was uncomfortable in. It was a two piece bathing suit with a checkered top that crossed slightly at her back and black swim bottoms which, in her opinion, were extremely short with a small checkered square with a red triangle on its corner.

Annie sighed finding no other swim suit before placing some shorts on and a normal tee. She brought a small hair tie, sunblock, and put on simple sneakers before walking outside of the house with Scotty.

The two walked to the public pool and saw all the boys at the entrance.

"Hurry up! You two take to long!" Ham yelled from the entrance which made Annie shake her head with a chuckle and Scotty shrug.

They all ran in and threw their clothes on the floor jumping into the pool. Annie sighed before picking up their clothes and placing them neatly on a chair as she placed her sunblock on the floor near her shoes and she sat on the bare floor watching as Ham talked to some random girls tanning before jumping in the pool splashing them all.

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