Theme is different from real life in the sense that there is no theme in life. Life is just a series of events that you may or may not end up seeing a bigger picture in/drawing a conclusion from.

Themes can be major or minor depending on how much of the story focuses on it.


Subject 1) The predominant theme or topic, as of a book, discussion 2) The principal idea or point of a speech, a piece of writing, or an artistic work.

Subject is kind of like theme but it’s not a statement or a discussion. The subject of a story might be War, The American Dream, Growing Up or Love while the theme of the story is; War is Necessary (War), The American Dream is a Lie (The American Dream), Growing Up Is Horrible (Growing Up) or Love Makes You a Better Person (Love.) Subject is What it is about. Theme is what you are expected to learn.

Harry Potter – J.K Rowling claims Death and her character’s fear and reaction to it is the central theme/subject. I think Love/ Friendship is more what it’s about. Since they are both present I think me and Rowling will just agree to disagree. But they are both subjects of the Harry Potter books so you can say either or both are the subjects of her books.

In summary

Plot is what happens in the story, the events and actions.

Theme is the lesson we are supposed to learn, the message the author wants to send.

Subject is what the theme and plot are about.

These are all good to keep in mind while writing.


Conflict, Mystery, Lack and Change

These four things should be worked into every plot. They are the things that draw readers in and make them want to keep reading, just like different death threat.

Conflict is a pretty obvious thing. This could be a character fighting with themselves about whether to tell someone about a crime they witnessed or fighting a shark coming to eat them. Conflict is often caused by the antagonist. The disruption of normal life is the start of the conflict.

It’s good to have both internal (should I tell him I love him) and external (there is someone trying to kill me) conflict.

Example story: External conflict; someone changed Main Character into a werewolf against her will. Main Character doesn’t want to be a werewolf ß That part is internal.

Harry Potter: Voldermort is trying to kill Harry and take over the world. Harry doesn’t want to die or for his friends to be enslaved. Conflict.

Mystery is the hunt for the murder, the way the hero has to figure out how to kill the evil over-lord. Mystery is who is sending our heroine unsigned love letters and how someone stole the hope diamond without triggering all the alarms. Where did the children run away to? This is something your hero(s) and the audience need to figure out before the end of the story.

Example story: Who turned Main Character into a werewolf? How are they going to find him and manage to kill him in time?

Harry Potter: Why did Harry not die as a baby? How will he defeat Voldermort?

Lack as a tad bit harder. Lack, as it sounds, is the thing that’s lacking in the main character’s life. The thing he or she wants (this may be something subconscious as well.) Harry Potter wants a real family. In every romantic comedy ever made someone wants to find their one true love. Someone might need more freedom or lack faith in some god.

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