
Next day Hela packed her things, said goodbye to her mums and left.

She was traveling, without really knowing where she was going, all she knew was, that she had to go to the sea, and get over it. The only problem was, that no one has ever gotten over the sea. For those who tried, died.

When she got where she wanted she was thinking about how to get through. She bought herself a boat, but that was destroyed by the waves almost immediately.

She tried to ask water elves for help, but not even those could control waters of that sea.

The raven tried many other things and always failed. "You'll never get over that sea. Not when that monster is making sure that the water is as crazy as it is now." Someone said from behind. Hela quickly turned around and saw a very old elf in black torn clothes. "Monster? There's a monster there?" Why did no one ever tell her about that?

"Aye, of course there is. No one believes it, but I saw it, I swear." The elf held their hand up to say, that they really mean what they said. "What should I do with this monster if I want to get over the sea?" The princess asked and the elf answered with two words: "Kill it" then they disappeared, as if they never even stood there.

Kill it? She couldn't do that, right? She doesn't even know if the monster is real and truly dangerous.

"It's right to hesitate, you know?" Another voice sounded from behind Hela. But this one was so different from the elf befor. It was young and calm, she never heard anyone talk so calmly. That voice also held so much wisdom, the old elves could be jealous. But the most remarkable thing about this voice was how easily it played, with only these few words. Only saying it made you think that the person talking was the only one who told the truth

Hela turned around and was kinda startled by what she saw. The owner of the voice had white hair with black strands. His skin was as blue as sky with weird darker ornaments and some parts of his face and body were covered in snowflakes. And most importantly, he didn't have legs, instead of those there were many snowflakes swirling in little tornado.

"Who are you?" The demigodess asked that weird phantom infront of her. "Is my name really that important for you to be able to get where you're supposed to be?" The spirit asked her back and a little smirk appeared on their face.

"What is important is that I have answers to your questions. 'Kill or let live? Listen to the old elf or this weird phantom in front of me?' Not the first and not even the second. If you want to succeed you need to forget about the elf and me, listen to your heart and you can't fail."

Suddenly Hela heard the mysterious voice and she saw how the spirit reacts to it as well and then it started falling apart, turning into more snowflakes. "My time here is over, but remember: 'Dive down deep into her sound but not too far ot you'll be drowned'." Then the phantom fully fell apart and the snowflakes flew away, the same way they did when Hela was following the voice.

'Why did those last words sound so familiar?' She asked herself and then she looked to the sea. "Listen to your heart." She knew what she has to do, even though it soundes crazy.

The half jotun took of her shoes and dresses, leaving her only in her underwear leggings and top. She tied her hair into ponytail and then she run into the sea. Taking a deep breath she jumped into one of the waves but instead of fighting it, she let it drag her down to the bottom of the ocean and then another and another. The waves were dragging her deeper and deeper into the ocean.

(Now if you think that this isn't how waves work then you're wrong. I know that they really do that because I was also dragged by waves like that. They really do drag you deeper into the sea and when you swim up to take a breath a new wave comes and drags you back to the bottom of the sea and farther away from the shore. And no matter how hard you try to swim away you can't they always drug you back. Luckily I was saved by a life guard, I mean you figured that out already since I'm here writing this story)

She was starting to loose her breath but she couldn't go back up now. And then she saw it, a dragon chained to the bottom of the sea. He was trying to free himself and whenever he opened his mouth a rainbow like light came out, but then it disappeared. Whenever that happened the dragon started angrily moving his wings, tail and head. His chains had really weird reaction to that, they tightened around that creature and sent into the sea big force that created a wave.

Hela quickly grabbed one of the chains so that she wouldn't be dragged by this wave. What was she supposed to do now? "Kill it." "Listen to your heart." 'How can I get rid of these chains?'

The hybrid started swimming around trying to get the chains out of the ground, but it wasn't working, and then something came to her mind.

"Leave me alone!" Hela screamed at the bullies that were following her. "And what are you gonna do to us, huh? Make these flowers alive again? You're weak and useless!" The boy spit at her and others were laughing behind him.

"Or are you gonna tell on us to your mama? But then you'll be nothing else but a snitch and no one likes those. Oh wait, that wouldn't be much of a change for you, right?" Some other boy said and everyone was laughing. And they were prepared to go to the girl and do something.

Hela was angry and scared so she screamed at them: "I said LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!" And then out of nowhere appeared black swords pinning all the boys to the house around them and one of them even had a leg peirced through and through. What was even more surprising was that the sword of one of the boys was also destroyed by this black sword. And the boys sword was made of elf steel.
*End of Flashback*

After that terrifying memory Hela knew perfectly what to do, even though those black swords were scaring her. She concentrated on making those swords go through the chains and just like she hoped they did.

The dragon was free and just when he turned towards Hela she lost her breath and everything around her went black.


Well I really hope you liked this I wasn't expecting to give this part out so quickly but here I am.


Jotun Thorki: Lost PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now