Looking Greener Tomorrow

Start from the beginning

"But, Master Wu, we do work as a team!" cried Kai.

"We all work together with Lloyd as the leader," Cole said, "just like the prophecy says."

Wu turned to Cole. Cole winced a little from the firmness in those eyes in his. Wu did not often look that dark, and Cole could not help but frown back with confusion.

"Yeah, we've worked as a team since before Lloyd was the leader," Jay tried to insist in the background. "And he united us even more when we accepted him."

"No," said Wu calmly. "You don't."

He closed his eyes and began to pace.

"You have all done well with the defeat of Garmadon's evil. Just barely, but you have. You all have grown a lot since you have learned the secret of why I recruited you all for the Secret Ninja Force and the powers you were born with. For that I am very pleased with you, but you do not fully appreciate the responsibilities you all have because of it."

The ninja looked at each other.

"But we do use our powers when it's necessary and we do not abuse them when it is not," said Zane.

"Most of the time," muttered Cole glancing at Zane.

"Your intention is usually very good," Wu went on. "None of you wish to use your power as a ninja for your own gain, and you desire to work together for the good of Ninjago, but for this Secret Ninja Force to move forward, you have to be more than that. You cannot afford to be anything but selfless when it comes to this team and what it means to protect this city and this island." He spoke very softly now. "You must learn what it means to be a true family and not a bunch of disorganized students. You must be a family of masters that know how and when to help each other and allow your trustworthy fellow masters to help you. You are leaving the world of childhood behind you, but if you do not do the things I say, the team will never advance from its juvenile stage."

"Then what do you need us to do?" asked Lloyd. "Is this still about the 'Fou—'"

Wu shook his head.

"About the what?" asked Jay nervously.

"Yeah, come on! Tell us, Sensei!" begged Nya.

Everyone held their breath as Wu closed his eyes again. The knit in his brow tightened and softened with suspense. He took a deep breath and looked very profound. Even behind his beard they could see his dignified pout.

Lloyd bit his lip.

Was he really going to explain the foundation to them?

But before Wu could reveal any of his secrets to the others, the door burst open for the third time.

"Luh-loyd!" cried Garmadon.

"Dad!" Lloyd choked.

Garmadon paused.

He took Lloyd in. His vision darted up and down with mouth ajar. His lip curled a little over his sharp teeth just a little, and his ruby eyes blinked.

"Wu, he turned my son into a freak!" snapped Garmadon.

"You should have thought about that before you rushed over to Kinkomi's invitation after he called you a 'butt'!" retorted Wu.

Garmadon made a face, but Koko pushed past him.

"Lloyd!" she cried.

"I didn't— I didn't know Lloyd's parents were coming," said Jay squinting and rubbing his arm.

Koko and Garmadon grabbed onto Lloyd, examined him, and said many parent-like things as the other ninja looked at each other uneasily, but suddenly Garmadon stood up.

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