a final word

8.1K 143 131

The book is finally complete! I hope you all enjoyed it. i have a lot of ideas for a sequel but don't think enough people want one so this might be the end.

I tried my best to clear up any loose ends with the plot and such, but I intentionally left a lot out, so if you have any questions please comment them and I will answer.

I apperciate the love and support this book has gotten, and if you liked this then you should definitely check out some of my other works, though all pale in comparison to this one.

Thanks to everyone who has read, voted, commented on, and added this to a list, I can say I feel great pride in this book. It is my best work by far.

I thank you all.

final word count: 19k


Excerpt of the sequel that may or may not come:

"Oh, come on, Dragon. You love me," Harry says, finishing the statement with a joyful laugh.

Draco eyed him- he looked the same. Same beautiful green eyes, ebony hair, and iconic lightning scar. He looked exactly like the boy he loved. Acted almost exactly like him, too.

But he was not Harry.

"I don't even know you!" Draco roared, hands clenching at his side. Harry blinked in surprise, and laughed wildly after a moment.

"Oh, my dear Dragon," Harry said once he stopped. His eyes opened and their emerald green was gone, replaced by a wild and cynical red. "I'm so sorry to say that's true."

Harry shifted, Draco screamed.


In other news, I would apperciate it if you voted on which story concept I should work on next:

Warm But Tainted Blood, Drarry
When Draco is attacked by a dragon and none other than Harry Potter comes to his rescue, flame is not the only heat source he is feeling.

Draco does increasingly reckless things to get Harry's attention, and in turn, the warmth he feels whenever he does. Draco has unfortunate luck, and after Harry saves his sorry ass for the third time in a row, a friendship finally blossoms between them.

There is a certain professor who disagrees with their friendship, and the lengths he will go to deconstruct it become more and more malicious as time goes on.

Draco knows he should stop- that by continuing his woo-ing he is only putting Harry in danger, but cannot find it in himself to stop seeking the warm but tainted blood.

(au where Voldemort died when he tried to kill Harry and stayed dead. will have a lot to do with Snape, and a Mysterious Someone Else, not wanting drarry to be a thing bc Harry is Not a Pureblood.
will also include my own plotline for each year instead of the sorcerer's stone and that shit, such as the Dragon Epidemic and Santa Claus Shooting.)

The Diary, Tomarry
Tom Riddle was cold and ambitious. He would grow up to do great things. Well, not great, literally the worst things, but they would be big and that's all that mattered to him.

Harry Potter was cold and dead. Face to face with Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest, Voldemort kills him. Death sends him back, only he want to try something new. Something much more interesting.

Tom Riddle discovers a diary on his bed one day that can write back to him.

"What's your name?" he asked the diary.

"Harry," it read. "Harry Potter."

(in which Harry tries to get Tom to gather the deathly hallows to a provide a cooler, less murderous way to not be forgotten in an attempt to get Tom to not end up the dark lord.)

Poppin Potter, Drarry
Ginny Weasley is not one to deny that she held petty grudges. She decided to take her revenge on Grudge Owner 36, Draco Malfoy, by charming the buttons he's trying to handing out to say "Potter is CUTE" and "POTTER'S POPPIN" instead of "Potter Stinks."  She accidentally sparks a romance between them, instead of embarrassing Draco. Fucking, OOPS.

(will have Ginny bashing as she tries to destory their relationship in increasingly dangerous ways that edge more toward dark magic by the day.)

An Eventful Quidditch Match (HP) (Drarry) (COMPLETED)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat