47~ Natalie White

Start from the beginning

I was about to take my seat again when Mr Malsha elbowed me and mouthed, 'Take your shades off' as a panicked look overtook his features. I quickly disposed of them and sat myself down.

"Good morning. You've all been called here today to decide the fate of the accused who stands trail for murder, attempted murder and assault. Jury, you'll get the facts of this case, including evidence and eye witness accounts. At the end you will take a vote to decide the fate of the accused, if the accused is found innocent, they will be released and if they're found guilty, they will be taken away immediately to start their sentence. In this case, another closed case- murder of Emma White, would be reopened as new evidence suggest that the court might've convincted the wrong man three years ago. The next case is filed by the previous victim's sister Natalie white, convicting the accused of her sister's murder, her attempted murder and assault. The question for the court is, if the accused did actually commit the murder and assault or he is being framed. You may proceed with the trial now."

I scanned my surroundings as the prosecution started summarising the case and presenting the opening statement. The few members of the public that were allowed into the courtroom were dad's acquaintances while the others seated opposite are of Hawthorn's, I assume. The jury consisted of seven members and each one of them seemed to be carefully listening to each and every word spoken by the prosecution.

My attention was back on the case as Hawthorn's lawyer stood up to present their opening statement and defence.

"Your honour, I am Nathan Hack and I am defending the accused, Mr Sinister Hawthorn as we respectfully deny all of the prosecution's claims and plead not guilty.", he paused and continued, "Regarding the prosecution's claim of my client's involvement in Emma White's murder, there is no evidence to support his presence there, no fingerprint nor footprint was found on scene and my client's acquaintances testified to his presence at a private bar with them at the time of the murder. And in line with the next accusation of my client kidnapping Natalie White daughter to Mr Richard White, we'd like to point out that the crossfire in which the police intervened was staged by Natalie White and her father in an attempt to ruin my client's  reputation with the public. The only evidence the prosecution has to back up their claims are the private CCTV recordings of Miss White being kidnapped by men in ski masks. It does not prove nor does it link my client to these atrocious claims. I rest my case here your honour", By the end of his statement I was shaking in fury at their blantant and obvious lies. He went and sat next to a grinning Hawthorn as Mr Malsha took his place infront of the judge again.

"To back up my case your honour, I request to call upon the witness and victim, Miss Natalie White", Mr Malsha called me to the witness box as I stood determined on shaky feet

My palms sweated as I took in a deep breath and reminded myself of Emma's unjust death and the monster that caused it. Taking my place at the box, I had a full frontal view of Sinister Hawthorn- the murderer.

"Do you swear that the evidence you shall give shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?”, The court clerk's voice rang clear as they placed a bible infront of me.

I placed my palm on the bible and stared right ahead at Hawthorn as I swore, "I swear by Almighty God that I will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth"

"Please state your full name and spell your last name for the record."

"Natalie Raquel White, W-H-I-T-E"

"You may proceed with the direct examination ", the court clerk directed his words towards Mr Malsha as he came to stand infront of me.

"Miss White, may I cut to the chase without coming off as insensitive to your trauma?", Mr Malsha inquired

"You may", I prepared myself despite the slight shake in my whole body

"Can you give us a brief but detailed description of what happened on the night your sister- Emma White was murdered."

My shake slightly intensified as I tried calming my raging heart.
"That night we were heading home from the Red Cross charity gala with a chaffeur. Due to it being later hours of the night, everyone was tired and therefore failed to notice the chaffeur changing the route to our home. By the time we did notice, it was too late as we immediately collided with an oncoming truck. The chaffeur managed to jump out the car in record time as it rolled down a hill. When I opened my eyes, my mother was held at gunpoint. She was threatened to have my father drop out of the elections but due to the immense fear, she passed out. That was when he saw me. My sister was passed out on my lap but I knew she was alive. I-I felt her heartbeat against me", Tears sprang to my eyes as I tried controlling myself. "But then he threatened me too, I being only sixteen at the time, made the grave mistake of calling him a coward. That he was when h-he shot my sister without a second glance. Her blood splattered everywhere as I screamed for help. He fled the scene as if nothing happened. I tried everything I could to save my dieing sister but it was too late when help arrived. My sister died on my lap that night", I finished without realising tears were rolling down my eyes.

I was handed a tissue as Mr Malsha continued,
"Is the 'He' in your story, Mr Sinister Hawthorn?"

Glancing up from my tissues straight into the murderer's eyes I replied,

"Moving on from that traumatising event to a more recent one. What happened to you on the day, your car crashed? Eventhough a fake body proclaimed you dead, it was clear that you did drive under some distress as seen from the CCTV footages", Mr Malsha continued with his questioning as Hawthorn squirmed and frowned in his seat.

"Prior to the crash, I had an argument with my boyfriend, I admit, it did stress me but I didn't crash onto a car which was merely reversing, it was deliberately placed there blocking the road. Right as I crashed I was kidnapped by some men in ski masks and taken to a basement in which one man, also in a ski mask told me to kill myself with the same gun my sister was killed with. After I got through it alive, the following morning I shot the man who gave me the gun in self defence and attempted to free myself but Hawthorn got to me and assaulted me while admitting to murdering my sister without an ounce of remorse. Thankfully before he could kill me too, our men arrived and rescued me"

"Objection your honour!", Hawthorn's lawyer shot up as the judge motioned for him to proceed.

"Permission to cross examine, the witness your honour", As soon as those words left his mouth, my blood ran cold. He'll  try and get me to break

"Permission granted", The judge announced as Hawthorn's lawyer took his place infront of me while Mr Malsha gave me an encouraging smile.

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