How Did It Come To This

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I am new to this so sorry if it suck now let's continue ducklings😀😀 The song has nothing to do with it
Author Pov

Stiles didn't know that he had changed from being with werewolves almost all his high school days so his body was taking form but what he didn't know was that he was changing into a beautiful creature.

He had always been handsome but now his cheekbones were filled out, his face chubby and squishy and his eyes were big and wide with light anyone can fall into that chocolate abyss.

He was out one night, just walking around town when he heard a voice in his head, not Scott's because this was different, this was...darker. The voice told him to come to find it and Stiles found himself following the voice until he came to a large clearing in the woods. There in the moonlight was a creature unlike any other he had ever seen before. It looked like a wolf but its fur was black as night and its eyes glowed red.

The creature stepped forward and Stiles felt himself step forward too until they were face to face. And then something amazing happened, their minds merged and Stiles felt like he could see everything that the creature saw, feel everything it felt. It was an amazing feeling of connection and understanding even though they didn't speak the same language.

The creature and Stiles suddenly found themselves running through the forest together, howling at the moon with the omega but he stop and looked down at himself and realized that he was the omega he didn't know why this happen but he wants to keep this a secret, "What will Scott think" he thought to himself.

The next day, Stiles walked into school and all his friends greeted him but he could feel their eyes on him like they were trying to figure something out. Then Scott came up to him and hugged him, "I'm so glad your okay" he said, relief clear in his voice.

Stiles looked at Scott and said "why won't I be okay" he said looking at Scott with a little frown scared that he knew, Scott looked at him and said "you weren't home I wanted to hang out with you but you weren't there and I waited all night are you ok" looking him over for any sign of injury.

Stiles was about to answer when Ms. Morell came into the room and they all took their seats, "now that we're all here I want to tell you something" she said looking around the room, Stiles's heart sped up in anticipation.

"Welcome the new students Ethan and Aiden Stienier," Ms.Morell said while stiles looked up and saw the twins looking at him with some type of emotion in their eyes he looked at Scott " why are they looking at me like that," he said Scott looked at him then the twins his eyes darkening and then he shakes his head thinking "why and I thinking like that I don't like stiles like that," he thought "I don't know," he said still feeling weird about the way they were looking at him.

"Sit down while I introduce you to the class," Ms. Morell said and the twins sat down next to Stiles, one on each side.

"Hi I'm Ethan and this is my brother Aiden," one of them said and Stiles shook their hand, "I'm Stiles," he said.

The day went by with everyone trying to get to know him but no one could quite figure out what was going on with him and the twins, they just seemed really interested in him for some reason. Then after school, Scott asked if he wanted to come over to his house so they could work on homework together like they always do and Stiles agreed although he was a little hesitant about it.

When Scott opened his door, Stiles saw that the twins were already there waiting for them, "hey guys what's up" Scott said looking at them curiously wondering why they were both there when it was just supposed to be him and stiles working on homework.

"We wanted to ask stiles do he wants to hang out," they said together " oh umm thank you for the offer but-" stiles said interrupted " but he is hanging out with me" Scott pulled stiles by his arm fast walking away from the twins while the twins smirking behind there back and while Aiden yells "maybe next time then," he says while Scott tries to get siles far enough from them " ow ow Scott you're hurting me why are we moving so fast," stiles says, Scott shakes his head and lets go of stiles wondering why he was feeling possessive of his best friend " sorry stiles," he says, "It's ok, " stiles says why rubbing his wrist and Scott feeling guilty for hurting him.

"I am calling a pack meeting to see why the twins his so interested in you," Scott says "ok well I am going home I don't feel good" stiles says "feel better ok," Scott says, " ok bye Scott" stiles says feeling like he should kiss his cheek but shakes that feeling.

Scott watches stiles walking away and calls the group chat without stiles in it and texts them that there will be a pack meeting tomorrow night at his house and to come.

The next day, Stiles was getting ready for the pack meeting and he had butterflies in his stomach, he didn't know what to expect.

When he got to Scott's house, all of the other members of the pack were already there and they were all looking at him weirdly, "Stiles what's up with you and the twins" Derek asked him bluntly which made everyone else look at Derek weirdly too but stiles just shrugged not knowing how to answer that question without revealing his secret.

"I don't know what you're talking about," stiles said trying to play it off like he didn't know what they were talking about but deep down he was scared that they would hate him or something now that they knew he was an omega.

"Dude stop being so evasive," Isaac said rolling his eyes " we are your friends we won't judge you ok," Scott says trying to comfort Stiles who is starting to tear up from nerves, "nothing," stiles say leaving the pack house not noticing the looks everyone gives him the boys looking at him with love but the girls and Danny and Issac and Corey looking at him and wondering what's wrong with mom.

The next day at school, Stiles was sitting in his usual spot when Scott came and sat down beside him, "Hey man what's up" Scott asked him but stiles just shrugged not knowing how to answer that question.

"I don't know what you're talking about," stiles said trying to play it off like he didn't know what they were talking about but deep down he was scared that they would hate him or something now that they knew he was an omega.

Scott looked at him concerned and then grabbed his hand giving it a gentle squeeze as if letting Stiles know that everything will be alright, "It'll be ok," Scott says quietly which makes Stiles feel a little bit better.

Will stiles tell his secret or will he keep it forever afraid of the outcome with the pack who knows we will have to see.

My Own Harem(Rewriting and Editing)Where stories live. Discover now