Closure and Contentment

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For the longest time, I felt alone. Past relationships, friends, it all felt the same. I always knew there was some part of me that longed for more. Something different.

I always seemed to hold myself back, in all aspects. They could never accept the real me could they? "No, they can't." I would tell myself. It eventually became something I decided to accept. I convinced myself I would never be my true self, that any involvement with people close to me wouldn't be truly genuine.

That's when I met him.

He made me realize how much of a fool I was. First came the high, then the neglect, then the end, only to form a new beginning.. with that bond stronger than ever. It's bizarre really. I could have lost him. Everything that I could ever want, right in my grasp.. almost gone in an instant. I'm so happy I held on.

Now? You're in control, and I'm free. Having a newfound purpose has given me an all time high. I can't wait to write about you more. How you make me feel.. how much you excite me to no end.

Devoting my life to you has been the best decision of my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2020 ⏰

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